Yeah! Bobbejaanland seems like a pretty cool park. Typhoon was the 2nd Euro-Fighter in existence, but I think there should be more 670/8 EF's. Preferably a compact one like Typhoon. I know that those 320+ tracks like Rage are compact, but I'm talking about a Typhoon style multiple out-and-back-into, because Typhoon is the only one [:(]
I'd also say that EFC (Custom) tracks are awesome. Speed, Mystery Mine, and the soon-to-be at MOA Euro-Fighter.
Again, I think there should be some more designs like Typhoon.
dotn forget typhhon was the prototype eurofighter they used for testing, was acctually the first built but the second in the public[;)]. i will hopefully be visiting it next year along with some other parks in the area so i hope to announce it and see some of you guys there.