I was bored the last few days, so I decided to take a small break from Quake and start something new. I liked the layout at first, but after doing a bit of Terraforming I just decided it wouldn't be worth my time to support it. I have always been against uploading un-finished coasters, so I am not going to do that. I did have an urge to show you guys something though. So, I took just one continuous shot of the coaster in target view. After being amazed at the 6GB file size of the poorly compressed (if any compression at all) Avi, I played with lighting effects, overlays, music, etc. to make the video a little more interesting. The end result is a 1 minute 15 second, 26.90MB .MOV video. You can attempt to stream it through your browser, or download it to your hard drive. Below is a direct link to the video.