The post from a few days ago featuring a brochure from Whalom Park got me thinking about what the area might look like nowadays. Google Earth features different aerials of the park over the last twenty years, giving us a chance to see the park in both a before and after destruction state.

1995 - As a starting image, here's the park when it was still operating. Granted it's not the most clear image, but you can get the idea of how the small park was laid out. Lake Whalom can be seen on the far right of the image, and the Flyer Comet toward the upper right.

2005 - At this point the park had sat closed for around five years. Most of the structures are still standing, and in this much more clear image you can see a lot more detail. Flyer Comet was still there, though most of the flat ride pads are lacking any sort of ride. The Tumble Bug was located just to the left of the Flyer Comet, though only the circular area the ride sat in is visible in this one.

2008 - Moving on to after the park was torn down. The trees were spared but that was about all, though you can see some of the outlines where certain rides were located.

2010 - Finally in one of the most recent views we can see what replaced the park. Some condos were going up as part of a development on the former home of the park. Sad, but that's progress for you I guess.
All images are ????????? Google Earth.