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AHG download question

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Post December 14th, 2012, 3:32 am

Posts: 77
Points on hand: 83.00 Points
Location: Palmdale, CA, USA
Hello all, Been off the site for some time and wanted to start building again and have a been wanting to finally learn the AHG for my tracks.
I'm experiencing a problem with download to were the AHG opens not correct and unusable.
Am I to open it in the root folder of NL or can someone re clue me in on what I might be doing wrong? [xx(]

Post January 2nd, 2013, 11:35 am

Posts: 32
Points on hand: 479.00 Points
Hello fester,

You can open the AHG from any folder that you wish. You can download the AHG from and I suggest that you save it on your desktop so you know where it is. Most builders use FVD and Newton but I still stick to hand building lol

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