Board index Roller Coaster Games No Limits Coaster ahg help please?

ahg help please?

Discuss anything involving No Limits Coaster Simulation.

Post August 31st, 2007, 5:29 pm

Posts: 1384
Points on hand: 4,046.00 Points
Location: the wonderful world of...., Michigan, USA
this really isnt too much to ask but on a new coaster i am working on the ahg always messes up my loop. The loop itself consist of 7 segments (not counting the bottom of the slopes.) no matter what color i make the loop, black or white (with red and green or without) it always inverts no matter what happens. i have tried changing the top of the loop from a bank of 0 with rel rol, to 180 degrees, and it still inverts at the top. please help or give any advice, its not too much to ask! thanks! [;)]

Post August 31st, 2007, 5:42 pm

Posts: 826
Points on hand: 2,400.00 Points
Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

It must have positive G forces around the entire thing banked- meaning it must have negative G's at the top when it's inverted, the look must have negatives at the top unbanked. Leave the loop ubanked before AHGing, but REMEMBER it MUST have negatives at the top!

Post August 31st, 2007, 5:47 pm

Posts: 1384
Points on hand: 4,046.00 Points
Location: the wonderful world of...., Michigan, USA
ya i figured it out, i know all the negative mumbo jumbo, i've used ahg on literally every coaster almost, i know how it works, the problem was the banking was set to rel rol,,,meaning zero all the way around...i jsut changed it to 180 and its a gorgeous loop now. thanks for the help anyways tho!

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