Owen Jay: You need to figure out the entrance and exit speeds for your ride.
You also have to have a track with an open end, meaning, no closed circuits.
Once you have that, as I said above, you need to figure out the exact speed of where it starts and ends. Then, using http://nldc.interfix.net/calculator (scroll to very bottom) enter in your numbers to get the m/s answer.
Plug those numbers into the AHG and then you wont get an error.
BIG DISCLAIMER! Make sure when you design you take into effect that the AHG will raise or lower the track by +-1m. Thats 3 ft and that can make alot of difference. For Sitdowns it will lower the track, so if your airtime hills are close to being too extreme, youll want to make them 3ft higher to compensate.
Just as if your Inverts are pulling too many g's, the radius needs to be 3ft wider to retain the same g's.