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Aliens here!?

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Post August 11th, 2009, 11:54 am

Posts: 1106
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Bank: 4,290.00 Points
Location: Johannesburg, South Africa
Lol so this is what happened to the Halo Movie?????????

Alien?????????s in Johannesburg! haha weird idea but doesn't look too bad. The acting looks dumb and all South-African like. No one talks like that here we slang way more. And what the hell is Peter Jackson doing partnering with some mediocre SA film maker and creating the most over the top film ever anyways? [lol] We'll see though.
Last edited by dj-dj on August 11th, 2009, 11:58 am, edited 1 time in total.

Post August 11th, 2009, 12:01 pm

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Location: Virginia, USA

Post August 11th, 2009, 5:21 pm

Posts: 1106
Points on hand: 101.00 Points
Bank: 4,290.00 Points
Location: Johannesburg, South Africa
I?????????d prefer Halo but then again, this could be funny as hell. [:)]

Post August 11th, 2009, 6:26 pm

Posts: 516
Points on hand: 1,676.00 Points
Location: Vancouver, WA
Looks interesting enough. Since Johannesburg was settled by the British, well, taken over, the language is fine. Let us all hope it's not a cheeky Independence Day-like film.

Unfortunately, Halo is not going to get top funding, if it ever happens. I think Square Enix would be able to do a full CG Halo better than a small budget live action film, but that's me. If Anthony Bourdain has non-speaking role in the Far Cry movie, then a live action Halo is going to suck. And who could play the "faceless" hero, Master Chief, really?

Let's just hope D9 is actually good. I'll go see it, but I'm more looking forward to Inglorious Basterds(and yes, that's how Quentin spelled it, probably on purpose).

Post August 11th, 2009, 6:42 pm

Posts: 253
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Location: Berkeley, CA, USA
Originally posted by dj-dj

I?????????d prefer Halo but then again, this could be funny as hell. [:)]

I'd prefer a real Ringworld movie But this looks fun, Jackson has made his money and is now at play (which is what he was doing before he made his money, but with smaller budgets).
Be sure you're not looking in a mirror before you start pointing fingers.

Post August 12th, 2009, 5:18 am

Posts: 163
Points on hand: 1,197.00 Points
Location: Newcastle-upon-tyne, United Kingdom
Seems to be getting good reviews on the lines of 'best summer movie this year', so it might actually be worth watching.
Screw Commercialism. It's Dr.Gumbo, not CokeZero.

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