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alton towers fireworks

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Post November 8th, 2010, 3:14 pm

Posts: 4357
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Location: Cannock, West Midlands, United Kingdom

im not putting this in the review section because this isnt a full review

its just a massive WOW to the alton towers fireworks on 7th of november.
its was by far the best fireworks i have ever ever ever seen and yes that includes dinsneys.
not loud but perfectally to music, stunning, breathtaking and magical.
it started off with a th13teen piece with music from the excosist, dead silence and saw plut the 13 girl counting to 13 and getting louder on each number with was awsome
but then the 30 years celebration with 3 songs from each decade was incradable. the place was ramed from the front of the lake back to the entrance gates with a crowd of (so one of the managers told us) about 24,000 people.
everyone was singing and dancing to the music and really ahving a good time. in the middle of the display it all went dark for about 5 seconds and robbie williams, let me entertain you started and a massive cheer and just the incredable feeling was imence by far my favorite part of the whole show.
finishing as a good alton towers display should with the alton theme tune and a mass of fireworks, lazers and even the rigging for the lights on the crowd had fireworks going off ontop of them so you really felt so special and part of the show it was incredable.

the whole show was just stunning. i hope they try and top it but that will be a long hope i think, by miles and miles the best fireworks display i have ever been to and one of the best days i have ever spent at alton towers.

here is a video of the final theme tune bit taken from the saterday (i was there sunday and this video isnt owned by me but it shows you what i mean)

Making screams come true

Post November 8th, 2010, 6:39 pm
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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That looks like some good fireworks over there. If I get the chance I'll probably come watch it myself in person. [:)]
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