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American Theme Park Organizer, anyone?

Planning a theme park visit? Post it here to organize a theme park meet with other members of the site. You can't go wrong with taking another enthusiast with you!

Post June 3rd, 2007, 6:54 pm
Oscar User avatar
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Well, we need someone who is enthusiastic and what not to be a theme park organizer for the Americas. This is harder than the European theme park organizers since there's a whole lot more gorund to cover. If you feel that you are truly capeable of motivating people into going to theme parks as a group of then post your name up. We'll take a vote and pick maybe one or two or even 3 to work as a team in American theme park organizers.
Can Drive To The Parks.
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

Post June 3rd, 2007, 8:52 pm

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i would really love too, and i really would try to do a good job, but im just too limited by area...i wouldnt be able to go very far... trip to the great escape anyone.... lol. thats pretty much all i could go to, haha, later in my life i will....hopefully

Post June 3rd, 2007, 9:08 pm

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Yeah. I could do it but I actually cant go on those trips. Maybe untill I'd get my license in a year. Lol.

Post June 4th, 2007, 8:54 pm

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This sounds like it could be fun except that I live in Minnesota, with only 3 real parks near me, unless I could organize meet ups without actually going on them [lol].

Post June 4th, 2007, 9:05 pm
Oscar User avatar
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no, you do have to go to them [:(]
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

Post June 4th, 2007, 9:13 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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Post June 4th, 2007, 9:17 pm
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lol that's random
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

Post June 4th, 2007, 9:19 pm

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Post June 4th, 2007, 9:31 pm

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i would do it, if i didnt need to go to any trips... and idunno if im allowed, im only 16, but i would definatly organize... idk

also, cannot do anything for next 2-3 wks, exams..

*Edit* god, read that wrong sry, thought you said, you dont have to... nvrmind

Post June 4th, 2007, 9:32 pm

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Yeah you said that already basically. Slap just said you need to be able to attend the trips to organize...
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Post June 4th, 2007, 9:54 pm
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I might be able to work some PA parks and others in the area in the coming months. Depends on my car and job hunts paying off. I will let you know.

If I cant then next year I will be able to, that is if you still need someone.

Post June 4th, 2007, 10:18 pm

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Post June 4th, 2007, 10:28 pm
Oscar User avatar
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did you ever get the feeling you were being watched?
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

Post June 4th, 2007, 10:50 pm

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WWS- contact me in 7 years.

I'll be gradjugated then.

Post June 4th, 2007, 11:08 pm

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Would but the only real park by me is cliffs and i don't think my parents want to drive me around the country to amusment parks. Plus im 13.

Edit im going to sacremento for sfdk and maybe a few other parks if anyones interested.
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Post June 5th, 2007, 12:43 am

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Post August 7th, 2007, 5:14 am

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i'd suggest breaking it up into regions. rather then keeping it simply as America.

like make California, Arizona and Nevada one zone.

Minnesota, Iowa, North/South Dakota, Wisconsin one zone.

Ohio, Indiana, Michigan one zone.


Post August 7th, 2007, 5:28 am

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This cant really work in the US in my opinion. The UK peoples are all relatively close. Nobody here is close to a group of many parks except the socal people.

Post August 7th, 2007, 6:34 am

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Originally posted by SFMM homie

This cant really work in the US in my opinion. The UK peoples are all relatively close. Nobody here is close to a group of many parks except the socal people.

I agree. And not only that, but there is no way the organizer would be able to attend all the meetups.

Post August 7th, 2007, 11:52 am

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I think with the States being so large you should try to get 2 or 3 and split things up into regions.

That way you can avoid this distance thing and another important aspect is, say if I was, I know quite a bit about the states around me. So having someone within a region could and should have better knowledge of the area and thus better able to plan a trip.

Just reinforcing what I didnt read above, lol.

Post September 10th, 2007, 4:49 pm

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Im new here, but I live and travel every year to theme parks inside a 6 hour drive to me. This would include: Kentucky (SFKK), Ohio (CP and KI), Virginia(BGardens), West Virgina(Camden Park), Tennessee(DollyWood), North Carolina (Carowinds), Georgia (SFoG, Indiana (Holliday World).

Saying the above, I will/have traveled to each in a years time, but this year I skipped a few due to fuel cost. But if we did break up the US in groups like ACE does, I would be more than happy to take Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio.

SFKK is closest to my home, however Kings Island is my home park. Ive completed my tours this year but next year comes quickly!

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Post September 13th, 2007, 12:49 pm
Oscar User avatar
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That sounds like a good idea. But I guess when the season is going to start up again. I sense the coaster season for the east coast is coming to an end soon for this year.
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

Post October 29th, 2007, 7:25 pm

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darn- if i was eighteen i would do only 13

Post May 31st, 2009, 9:36 pm

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Post May 31st, 2009, 10:41 pm

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