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Another Halloween is over

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Post November 1st, 2005, 5:16 pm

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I had so much fun yesterday! Me and my friends ( 23 ) went gettin' candy. I went to 5 neighborhoods, and I got 5 sacks full of candy. That's the best I ever did!!! One of my favotire candies I got was this necklace. I was like a ring pop except it's a necklace. The base of the candy was shaped like a pacifier. That and the candy itself lit up. They also changed was off da chain. I got like 19 of those. Who want's one? I got a whole bunch of flavors:

Blue Raspberry ( 3 )
Cherry ( 2 )
Lemon ( 5 )
Orange-Strawberry ( 4 )
Watermelon ( 3 )
Limited Edition Coca-Cola ( 2 )

Post November 1st, 2005, 5:36 pm

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Lets see what did i get....nothing, what did i give people that showed up to my house....nothing. Thank god that pointless holiday is over

Post November 1st, 2005, 5:46 pm

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I actually really like Halloween. And Edge, I have and exchange student from Spain at my house now and he said Halloween is NOTHING in Europe compared to North America. I guess it's just an opinion of likes/dislikes. I pretty much like every holiday; what's not to love?

Post November 1st, 2005, 5:50 pm

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I threw on a little dead jamaican outfit on and ran around th eisland i live on for about an hour and a half. I got only half of a pillow case though!!! LOL send me one of those blue razzes or orange strawbrr'eeees Exarion!

Post November 1st, 2005, 6:30 pm

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Around here we see it as begging. If it isnt little kids at your door, then we dont answer it. But thats because of chavs, its annoying, people around here always expect money, not sweets. Thats not the point, its supposed to be penny or sweet, not a quid. F*ck that. I prefer just to go to a park for halloween as their events are really cool, and you dont get stupid 14 year olds coming to your door asking for money rather than sweets.

Post November 1st, 2005, 6:33 pm

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I didn't really do anything either. I was pretty sick last night and going out when it's kind of cold is not the best thing to do when you have a fever.

Post November 1st, 2005, 6:43 pm

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me like halloween i got tons of candy and currently im eating a lollipop

Post November 1st, 2005, 6:47 pm

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See you cna tell by mine and Edges posts that halloween is very different in the UK than in the USA.

Post November 1st, 2005, 6:49 pm

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jease the UK must suck no halloween no fun coasters[;)]

Post November 1st, 2005, 6:54 pm

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Post November 1st, 2005, 6:56 pm

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People actually have the nerve to ask for money? In canada that's totally unheard of... wtf, asking for money.

Anyway, Halloween wasn't a big thing this year around my place, I don't really celebrate it anyway.

Post November 1st, 2005, 7:16 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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I went to knotts, rode Xcelerator twice, ghost rider once, and Silver Bullet once, went to go eat at a restaurant, banged a bunch of times on the Wax Museum sign in commemoration of its last day on the face of the earth, went to knott's halloween haunt, hit all 12 mases, saw 2 1/2 shows (the 1/2 was kinda boring so we got up half way though and did something else) and we got on Big foot, and we went on SB 2 more times. And saw some girls butt as half of it fell out of her pants, and it was nice.[approve]
My favorite maze was the asylum, they were chasing girls out of that one, and it was sweet. TO bad there were a bunch of hot girls (in a sense yes, but no..) in front of us during that maze though, because the "monsters" would scare them rather then me or my friend, but it was still sweet like cherry pie. And it was fun. [:)]

Post November 2nd, 2005, 1:49 am
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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the only halloween i had was in walibi world and movie park germany [:)] I'd even have some video material [:D]

Post November 2nd, 2005, 2:11 am

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well, if you've taken spanish (pointless class for school)--not to offend any latin people, dia de la muerta (i think) or day of the dead is pretty much what halloween is and that's a huge celebration

but i wen out and got a bunch of candy---the only reason i still go is because its basically free candy

Post November 2nd, 2005, 3:30 pm

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Originally posted by coolbeans326

I went to knotts, rode Xcelerator twice, ghost rider once, and Silver Bullet once, went to go eat at a restaurant, banged a bunch of times on the Wax Museum sign in commemoration of its last day on the face of the earth, went to knott's halloween haunt, hit all 12 mases, saw 2 1/2 shows (the 1/2 was kinda boring so we got up half way though and did something else) and we got on Big foot, and we went on SB 2 more times. And saw some girls butt as half of it fell out of her pants, and it was nice.[approve]
My favorite maze was the asylum, they were chasing girls out of that one, and it was sweet. TO bad there were a bunch of hot girls (in a sense yes, but no..) in front of us during that maze though, because the "monsters" would scare them rather then me or my friend, but it was still sweet like cherry pie. And it was fun. [:)]

Now thats the way i like to spend halloween! Alton towers normaly, but this year it was thorpe. [:D] They also had a maze called the asylum, themed as a mental hospital, but people were queueing 2+ hours to get in!

Post November 2nd, 2005, 3:37 pm

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halloween is over rated
yeah its cool in theme parks and haunted places and stuff but going to peoples houses and asking for stuff is just SAD.
most people either dont answer the door, put up a sign that says " no trick or treaters" or answer and tell you to get stuffed.

but then again you americains always make everything bigger than it should be dont you???

Post November 2nd, 2005, 3:39 pm
hyyyper User avatar
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in holland we don't really have halloween, at least not the trick or treat part. we do have the pumpin and witches stuff but the trick or treat is on another day in november where we have an enormous bonfire with all the wood about 4 meters (20 feet approx) high. i don't remeber the exact date cause i haven't collected candy since i was 11, but the day has something to do with the holy St. Maarten...

Post November 2nd, 2005, 3:39 pm

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Its just a way for businesses to make money now! Like so they sell all the costumes etc and make money which they wouldnt make without halloween being so big.

Post November 2nd, 2005, 4:20 pm
gouldy User avatar
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Like Christmas, I guess it was a good idea at the start, until all the big companies started jumping on the band waggon and it just turned into something which doesn't mean anything to anyone, other than chavs who go around getting free crud off people who wish life would end [:)].

I have never given money at the door. Unless we can see it's just some really young kids or something, we don't usually open the door, so as it's usually just teenage chavs being dickwads, we don't do much door opening lol. Although having said that, if you don't open the door and they can see that you are in, they egg your house or do something to your car, which is really nice of them [:)]

halloween is stupid, pointless, idiotic, annoying and REALLY American. The only good thing about it for me is the theme parks are open late [lol]

Post November 2nd, 2005, 5:00 pm

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I really like halloween... Not the trick or treat stuff, just the whole atmosphere and the idea of dead people coming down for one night. if I can't get to a park, I usually eat a good pumpkin soup and then watch a horror movie and sometimes go into the forest late night, mostly with some friends, that's how I like to spend Halloween...

Post November 2nd, 2005, 5:42 pm

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I am sorry but Halloween is the best it does not matter I do not trick or treating any more. It is the spirit of the holiday, and what it brings to any given person who has a great imagination. For me at times its being someone else and getting to act out that individual role. Christmas and Thanksgiving are great and all for family get together but have turned into a marketing scheme for a lot of high end corporations. Feasting off from holiday sales and it has also become materialistic holiday with the whole gift thing.

Post November 2nd, 2005, 5:47 pm

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Thanksgiving is just an excuse for Americans to eat Turkeys and get even more obese. I would also expect that around 99% of people have no clue what Halloween is a celebration of anyway

Post November 2nd, 2005, 5:59 pm

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Post November 2nd, 2005, 6:04 pm

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Well, you may not be but 40% of us are. It's because a lot of us don't get off our fat asses and do something. I couldn't imagine not being active, I've done sports all my life, and I go insane if I'm not doing anything.

I like Halloween a lot, but people in my parts seem to have lost intrest in the holiday, but every house (except the other religions) has Christmas decorations. There were 5 out 20 houses on my street that had halloween decorations (including mine).

Post November 3rd, 2005, 2:42 pm
hyyyper User avatar
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Originally posted by Pad

... good pumpkin soup and ...

only the smell [xx(]


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