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(Another) Rating System Modification Suggestion

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This was inspired by the homepage news banner for the topic Every Ride Deserves A Rate Initiative.

Here's the premise: we don't rate because we are lazy.

I am lazy. We are humans that are, in general, lazy.
Rather, we are geared toward doing things in the quickest, most efficient way possible.

The proposed solution is: Quick Ratings from the homepage (and track page).

This proposed solution would require a somewhat major addition to the rating system we currently have established.
That addition is: allowing numbers without comments.

Pictures work better than words. Look:

Graphical change #1: Homepage sidebar.
Homepage Sidebar.png

The red/gray slider is interactive; you can click or drag on a place along the bar.
The physical number will update to reflect the position you chose, with accuracy to 0.25.
A very similar slider can also appear on the track's exchange page after you click the "Download This Track" button.
I'm not going to photoshop that to save time.

Graphical change #2: Additional "Quick Ratings" box on track page.
Exchange Page.png

This rating will factor into the upload's overall score absolutely equally, like every other regular rating.
It is for the simple convenience of riding a track, saying "I'd give that a solid x.xx", and doing so in seconds.

If implemented, we will all have to get accustomed to receiving numbers without explanation.
I expect this to generate the most controversy.
BUT, Quick Ratings can still be upvoted/downvoted/reported.
This will be of use for when one certain rating is an "outlier" (8.75, 9.50, 7.25, 2.00).
I guess it would be under moderator discretion just as it is presently.

Notable sites which use a system of ratings without comments:

Discuss feasibility, pros, cons, interest in implementation, etc.

-Keegan / tiepilot35
Last edited by tiepilot35 on January 20th, 2015, 10:39 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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it's a good idea in theory, but I can see this also being abused. There's no credibility to the rating if there's no comment so how do moderators know it's a legitimate rate? Someone could be purposely down-rating another just because they got a bad rating. Thus starting a never ending cycle.

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Votes could still be flagged. If you notice one person just rating it way below the average, you know somethings up.
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If we did something like this I would love to see two things. One don't call this new system "quick ratings." Simply call them ratings. The worded rates would be called "Reviews."

If we did something like this the Weekly awards would still only be effected by the review number since the rating system could be abused. I'd love to hear other mods/admins thoughts as well as more of your guys opinions.
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Coasterkidmwm wrote:
4 G's to the taint was a bit much for me because I'm not a power bottom like Turbo

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I like the suggestion of "Ratings" & "Reviews" instead of "Ratings" & "Quick Ratings".

Do you mean that the Quick Ratings / Ratings WOULD still factor into where the ride is placed 1st, 2nd, 3rd but the ride would still not be placed at all if the number of REVIEWS is less than two? I'm not entirely on board but it's worth discussing.

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As someone who'd love to help put with reviews of people's work (since I get a lot myself, like to return the favor), but am unfortunately quite lazy/forgetful at times, I'm all in favor of this system! I'd love to see something like this talked about and possibly added in in :)

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the idea behind the weekly awards is to reward those who give genuinely good quality and put true effort into what they do. This new system could be abused and would be less moderated than that of reviews. This system would be amazing for site activity and would do well however people are lazy and those rides that do draw in a review would generally deserve it. That is why the Weekly Awards should be based on the score of reviews alone and not that of the ratings.
Coaster Count: 582 // Top Five: 1. Helix 2. Nemesis 3. Big Bad Wolf 4. Boulder Dash 5. Balder

Coasterkidmwm wrote:
4 G's to the taint was a bit much for me because I'm not a power bottom like Turbo

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I think it would be quite okay if the new additional rating system does not affect or influence the established weekly award system.

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Can the quick rating earn you like 5 points per rating? Or something like that?

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lol no, I don't know how the logistics would work quite just yet but if you even got anything it'd be at the VERY VERY most 1 per.

honestly you probably wouldn't get anything from it.
Coaster Count: 582 // Top Five: 1. Helix 2. Nemesis 3. Big Bad Wolf 4. Boulder Dash 5. Balder

Coasterkidmwm wrote:
4 G's to the taint was a bit much for me because I'm not a power bottom like Turbo

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You guys can't stop thinking about how great this would be for the website.
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GerstlCrazy wrote:
You guys can't stop thinking about how great this would be for the website.

It's a awesome website

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I love how my Jamp Up Land/Housekeeping World got a imaginary 9.50 rating.

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This is a good idea. We don't have a site coder at the moment. Last one bailed out on us and left a bunch of incomplete stuff and a bunch if current stuff needs cleaning up and fixing :( I'd really like to see something like this implemented but of course make it so it doesn't affect the weekly awards outcome due to the lack of comments to backup the quick rating.
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

mkingy User avatar

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Turbo wrote:
the idea behind the weekly awards is to reward those who give genuinely good quality and put true effort into what they do. This new system could be abused and would be less moderated than that of reviews. This system would be amazing for site activity and would do well however people are lazy and those rides that do draw in a review would generally deserve it. That is why the Weekly Awards should be based on the score of reviews alone and not that of the ratings.

The side issue is that the worse rides need reviews as they need to know what to improve. A 4/10 is not much use to someone without comments attached as to why!

Nevertheless I definitely agree this would be a fantastic idea for activity.
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I kind of disagree with this. I absolutely agree that most people don't rate because of laziness, I am one of those people and I admit it, but all this new system would do would give people more numbers. I personally don't care about the numbers whats important to me is the feedback, to hear what people liked and didn't like. If we do incorperate this system along side the original may I also suggest a similar feature with pre-selected comments, that also provide an option to explain if you want?
What are these for?

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could you give a few examples?
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Coasterkidmwm wrote:
4 G's to the taint was a bit much for me because I'm not a power bottom like Turbo

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CKidd wrote:
I kind of disagree with this. I absolutely agree that most people don't rate because of laziness, I am one of those people and I admit it, but all this new system would do would give people more numbers. I personally don't care about the numbers whats important to me is the feedback, to hear what people liked and didn't like. If we do incorperate this system along side the original may I also suggest a similar feature with pre-selected comments, that also provide an option to explain if you want?

This is an interesting way forward - I was going to develop a system to make my rating ultra consistent and quick to use. The problem perhaps is that people don't always look for the same thing - creating a system that is universal could be tricky.

I suppose you could do it in a variety of ways though, one such was would be splitting it into liked and disliked.

[Trackwork / Supportwork / Creativity / Layout / Pacing]

[Trackwork / Supportwork / Creativity / Layout / Pacing]

Which could be furthered into Liked and Disliked within the original categorie?
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Just some of the most used words in reviews
Possitives: Smooth, good pacing, exciting, etc.
Negatives: Pumping, Failed Estop/Clearance.....
Just a quick selection of words to help the uploader understand where the numbers are coming from
What are these for?

TTD03 User avatar
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I think this is a great idea!
Maybe have a few canned words to attach with the quick rate, like "Failed Estop/Clearance..."

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Mr. Freeze User avatar
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Seems like a good idea. Only problem is what turbo was saying earlier about the weekly awards and maybe have an extra incentive to put the reviews instead of the ratings

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