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Any ideas???

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Post December 20th, 2003, 10:40 am
gouldy User avatar
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I have got loads of ideas for rides floating round in my head at the moment, drawn out on varius pieces of paper and stuff. But there is one problem, they all have the same drop. It either drops off steeply to the right with about 70, 80 degrees of banking or drops to the left, this is the only area of the rides that i cant come up with anything new for. I was wondering, if anybody out there has ideas for a good drop, you could tell me your ideas, and i would try to do them as best i could on one of my rides in the future, PM me with any thoughts you have. Any contributions are greatly appreciated, and any credit for the final design will be given. Thanks.

Post December 20th, 2003, 3:51 pm

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I could tell you my idea but then I would have to Kill You!!!!

Post December 20th, 2003, 4:08 pm

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i have one, you could do kindof a "trick you out" drop and at first have it bank and turn slightly to one side and then twist back around the other way. i guess it sounds kinda gay but thats all i could think of.

Post December 20th, 2003, 4:47 pm
gouldy User avatar
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Owen jay, hahahaha[lol][pdie]lol, and circask8r, i'll talk to you about your idea, i'll PM you.

Post December 21st, 2003, 5:37 am

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what about a drop like the first drop off of shockwave at drayton manor

sorry the pictures aint that clever

Post December 21st, 2003, 7:50 am
gouldy User avatar
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Thats one of the kinds of drops that i have already used in my ideas, and besides, i have been on shockwave and dude that drop sucks ass! like the rest of the ride and park really to be honest.

Post December 21st, 2003, 2:04 pm

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I may die but not for a While yet just got my first child! do you think that
Weiner Stengle phones around other coaster designer's and ask's them for ideas!!!!![devilish][:o)][blah][stupid]

Post December 21st, 2003, 3:03 pm

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[qoute]like the rest of the ride and park really to be honest[qoute]

I geuss your one of those peeps thats too scared to ride Apocalpyse then? Everyone who chickens out on going on Apocalypse says Drayton Sucks. I personaly think that Drayton Manor is a great park for a day out. The queues are always short, although they dont have many big rides, i go there just to ride apocalypse, it makes Oblivion looks like some pussy piece of shite

Post December 21st, 2003, 6:39 pm
gouldy User avatar
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hahaha, yeah good point about the queues, but at the end of the day, THATS BECAUSE THE PARK SUCKS! lol. and for your information i did ride Apocalypse aaaaaaactually, lol, but to be quite honest i found that quite boring and pointless too. If your going to have a freefall ride then at least have a proper one like, erm, Giant drop at that random ausie park. Also Oblivion sucks cock! ooh i dropped 60 feet at an angle of 87 degrees, ooooh, aren't i great! Oblivion is a pussy piece of shite!
and to the other guy - I imagine that he doesnt phone around asking the other designers, but to be honest none of us on here are real designers yet, and u know, i mean, i am just a little stuck for i deas for the drop at the moment, i just want it to be somethinf new, instead of the same ol' crappy diving drop

Post December 21st, 2003, 7:06 pm

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Location: bradford, United Kingdom
The point is to make you a better designer think of your own ideas!!
why credit someone else for designing an element that you could have
designed, and if you can't think of anything then pack up yer
coaster sim and retire!!!!

Post December 21st, 2003, 7:23 pm
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hmmm, yeah, but reall, its just a bit of a droubt at the moment, i mean have come up with so many new inversions, its unbelievable, i just wanted the drop to be something new, i didnt have to ask if anyone else for ideas, but i thought this was supposed to be a community, so i asked around.

Post December 22nd, 2003, 1:32 pm

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Location: bradford, United Kingdom
How about some kind of helix drop!!!

ok I have a drop for you tell me how to send it to you!

Post December 22nd, 2003, 4:06 pm

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how about a loop drop? like a ride that goes down like millenium force and kind of curves back into the hill and loops. Let me know if i need to explain more.

Post December 22nd, 2003, 4:22 pm
gouldy User avatar
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You can email it me, owen jay. I already have an idea from someone who PMed me, and i think it is great, and my own ideas have started to flow again. Austinpowers5, i have no idea what you mean! lol.

Post December 22nd, 2003, 4:42 pm

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Here is the design.


Right at the bottom of the loop. Not a little after like other rides.

Post December 22nd, 2003, 6:08 pm
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hahaha, thats a class drawing dude, sweet, but the g's would be insanely high. But still class drawing, hahaha.

Post December 22nd, 2003, 6:29 pm

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Hey it's worth a try and I did that in like 30 seconds on Paint. LOl And yes very classic drawing. [lol]

Post December 26th, 2003, 9:27 pm

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pretty cool idea austinpowers5. i might make a little coaster and see the g ratings

Post December 27th, 2003, 12:18 pm

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i found it possibule to do a "safe" loop drop if you modify the loop.

Post December 27th, 2003, 12:22 pm

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