The layout so far, on top of the overlay. The weird yellow line is Google Earth's ruler tool that I used to show the line of sight I intended for the top of the drop. It's "done" up to the MCBR and second vertical drop, but the first two elements (immelman and vertical loop) need a lot more tweaking and smoothing. The end part of the coaster will pass through the narrow channel of water that the Log Flume surrounds, crossing under the Log Flume to the left of the picture and splashing down there, then crossing over it shortly before the final brakes. Aside from that, I don't know what's going to go in the second half yet.
The name Aquaman fits in with the park's other coasters named after DC Comics superheroes (Batman, Superman, Green Lantern), is perfect for the location, and gives it a great color scheme:

The colors of the train were lifted straight from Aquaman in the comics, the color of the track came from the ocean in Zelda: Wind Waker, and the supports are intended to look like seaweed.
And last but not least, the actual coaster so far:

If the rest of the park was there, the Log Flume station with the giant waterwheel would be just to your left from this point of view.
That's about all I have so far, I'll post the track file once it's a complete circuit. I'd appreciate ideas for elements in the second half before the splashdown!