It's not only AJ, here is a short list:
-I made trenches for jackizle, then terraformed and placed them for him; he never uploaded.
-I made a bridge for Boneplaya, and placed it; he never uploaded.
-I've helped you, RWN countless times through MSN as well as at least 10 others, and another dozen through email.
-I've textured and exported objects for around 20 people.
-I modeled a ride for Oinz, but never finished.
-I've done odds and ends for LeFlo (yet to be uploaded), which includes testing, textures, track guidance and 3D's. As well as other members.
-plus loads more across 2 websites, which includes a massive "gift" that i'm currently working on which is a secret
I want to remind you that i do all of this off my own back, for nothing (a thanks is nice). I have been offered money, yes, people are that desperate they've offered to pay which i turn down because its not about the money, i just like being nice (it's my Buddhist side).
If i dedicate the time, it has to be for a ride of equal standard to my 3D work, because people don't rate the 3D's, they rate the track and so i want my work to be for a ride which will at least get 8-9's. So if i dont think your ride will, then chances are i wont help. AJ's ride was the first decent one to get thrown at me, since then we've kept in touch through email so i know about stuff he's working on before anyone, and chances are i'm helping.