Ha, I wish I could figure out the double spine for the Intamin! I didn't have to model anything, I just offset the spine in CK and exported that. And I like the colors! They were stolen from Nighthawk!
Your supports seem all out of whack, to be honest. Some spots are very over supported. Supports near the ground seem a little to much. In reality, supports near the ground will cause a 'rattle' which can be found on Diamondback after the hammerhead turn around. Can be very uncomfortable and could cause a headache, with extra train maintenance.
Guessing this is a B&M hyper, the shaping is a little meh and your supports do not look 'B&M-ish'. Look to how real rides are supported and base them off that. Might wanna take some time to study how the shaping is, how the supports are, and the feeling of a ride you're trying to make. But once it's all done and finished, it will feel worth it. Don't just start a project without having much understanding of a ride manufacture. Know what you want the ride to do, other then making a ride and hope it works.
Yeah, but I didn't really want to go for the B&M shaping. I've ridden DB many times, and to be honest it's not that amazing, especially after the MCBR. I wanted to make the hill more shallow so the forces were spread more equally, but still amazing.
About the supports, the lift was highly inspired from DB's, along with its first few hills and the hammerhead. And I took out a bunch of supports and spaced them out equally, I'll post a picture after I make more progress.