Vertical Gs usually get up to the mid-3's in the valleys, so about 3.4 or 3.5. Gs on the drop usually go to around -0.3 or so right before the valley, and airtime hills usually pull floater like -0.2, with -.4 or -.5 at the crest. This may vary with some newer coasters which I have heard pull some ejector. (-.8 or -.9) Try to keep lats under 4./-.4
on a mega you can go up to 4 G's in valleys, but that is still pushin it, and on hill crests, the forces will be around 0.5 -> -0.5, never really heard too much of a case where a BM has ejector. Lats can't be pushed to more than 0.4 on the hilly sections, but in the twister section (if your going to have one) you can push 0.8. BM's are no euro fighter, so keep the forces somewhat controlled.
So, my friend came up to me the other day and asked if I wanted a frozen banana, and I said no, but I want a normal banana later, so... yea.
ive actually gotten behind the g meter on Apollos and every other b&m in the park, and apollos pulls -.3 and +3.9. Griffon pulls 4.5 and -.7 on the drops and last hill