A theme park needs a new icon that brings riders from all over the country, and they've gone to you for help.
Build a B&M Hyper that thrills people. You want to attract people from all over the world so make it special while keeping it with the B&M style.
Download The Template Here: [img]icon_disk.gif[/img] B&MCoasterContest-OfficialTemplate-Austin-t.zip
OR HERE: http://coastercrazy.com/track_exchange/ ... ?tid=17057
- Keep your track, supports, and footers (checked in editor only) within the light blue box.
- Keep your station (checked in editor only) within the red X.
- Keep track/supports above 10meters of roadway.
- Keep track 10meters above walkways in park area.
- Pass the tunnel test. (same block tunnel-tunnel infractions are fine, infractions under the track are fine, if you have a questionable call, ask)
(Failure to abide by rules will most likely result in a DQ, minor infractions will incur a large deduction of points depending on infraction).
-Height: 140feet - 275feet
-Length: 4000feet - 6000feet
-G-Forces: 1.0 Lateral, 5.0 Positive vert, -0.8 Negative vert
-No track banked over 125 degrees
(Failure to abide guidelines will result in a penalty, possible DQ)

-This is your park.
-Notice the ride boundaries enter the park area because your ride should enter the area at least once.
-Orange boxes are buildings, keep the track from going through them, you are free to and encouraged to use the buildings for support bases. Fenced areas with trees are also good areas for supports. Both are there to help you.
-Keep track above 10meters on pathways (anywhere a person walks)

-This is a road.
-Track AND supports must be above 10 meters in this area, no footers in this area..
-You can move/delete trees
-You can terraform, as long as it does not disturb the road or park.
-You can use 3d's everywhere but the road.
-You CANNOT move park rides/items
-Entrance to ride is to the right of station area, through the banner (if you want to encorporate the ride into the quene area)

Your rating is based on:
---Building Techniques--- (Supports, Track, G-Forces, Layout tidyness, No train stacking, realism, etc.) (XX/40)
---Adrenaline--- (Speed, Height, Length, Pacing, Headchoppers, Elements etc.) (XX/25)
---Human/Ride Interaction--- (Guest fly-by's, The look of the ride, Colors, Highway interaction, etc.) (XX/20)
---Track Originality--- (New elements, Layout, Terraforming, etc.) (XX/15)
-----TOTAL (XX/100)-----
07/31/2010 @ 11:59:59, Site Time
Tracks must be uploaded to exchange. Place the ride name followed by (BMHCC). This will make it easy for them to be found when searching. This is very important. Once your track is on the exchange, it is final and locked in, so post pictures or ask questions before uploading if uncertain about something!
1st: ONE MILLION CC Points or CC Premium Membership or $20 Cash (Only if already Premium Member, or you purchase a premuim membership for $25)
2nd: 5000 CC Points
3rd: 1000 CC Points
4th: 750 CC Points
5th: 500 CC Points
6th-7th: 250 CC Points
8th-10th: 100 CC Points
Download The Template Here: [img]icon_disk.gif[/img] B&MCoasterContest-OfficialTemplate-Austin-t.zip
OR HERE: http://coastercrazy.com/track_exchange/ ... ?tid=17057
1. SkyLindlar
2. yoshifreak
3. ianko66
4. rcking04
5. Oscar
6. SupraSix
7. Mad-man 5
8. CKidd
9. gouldy
10. SauronHimself
11. Sobek
12. slosprint
13. KentuckyFTW
14. Vid_w
15. Stealthrider5583
16. HazBruv
17. griffonluv
18. Jakizle
19. disaster249
20. KrazyKoasterKid
21. Coasterkidmwm
22. Jcoasters
23. CoastaGuy
24. IbanezCoaster
25. gazag
26. bandman232
27. coastereric
28. markhudson17
29. awsaws
30. Jonny Richey
31. Flickstah
32. CokeZero
33. devilsrule911
34. fear_the_four
35. coaster987
36. coasterman44
37. alton_
38. slashingold
39. Yaminub
40. Onjin
41. Dirk_Ermen
42. bigbadwolffan
43. coasterdave
44. maxamaxam
45. Omnigeek6
47. startthefire
48. stratzzt
49. HKatzCoasters
Track Submitted
Dropped Out
Track Rated
It's awesome if you notify me by PM if I miss your entry/miss your track upload. Also please notify me if you are dropping out so I don't have to search for your track later!

OTHER QUESTIONS? (post below)
Q: How do you use the template in the editor?
A: To get a package into the editor, un-package using the Track Packager (found here: http://www.coastercrazy.com/forum/topic ... C_ID=16602 ), load it up, install, "yes to all", do not ride, open the editor, then open it under track name "coastercrazy bm contest"
Q: Can we have a double station?
A: Yes, just keep them both in the red box.
Q: Do we design with the new b&m trains in mind, or the old trains?
A: Up to you, use approx. 9 or 8 cars for the old train style, and approx. 13 or 12 cars to simulate the new train style.
Q: Does the track have to cross the road?
A: No, but the park owns this land, so they want you to use as much of it as you can to build something awesome. It also will attract visitors if it can be seen from more areas.