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The Hard Hat Area is the place to post construction news about your ride, so this is the place to hype your future upload!

Post July 24th, 2009, 4:31 am

Posts: 5286
Points on hand: 3,059.00 Points
Location: USA
Trackwork - 100%
Supports - 0%
Terrain - 0%
3ds - 0%

Yup, its just a floating white track at the moment. No theme other than being in a realistic park environment with trees, paths and stuff. I dont think theres enough realistic 3d environments out there, everythings just a lil far fetched. Cool but probably wouldnt happen.

Ill be posting pictures and videos. Hopefully Youtube will be nice to me and well see some progress with that. Maybe some "in design" action video.

I have full intentions on finishing this project. Probably my most precise, realistic and interesting track to date. And incase anyones wondering, yes, over 90% of its hand built, tweaked and smoothed.
Last edited by Real on August 5th, 2009, 10:34 am, edited 1 time in total.

Post July 24th, 2009, 4:40 am

Posts: 1613
Points on hand: 62.00 Points
... testplz? hehe...
So, my friend came up to me the other day and asked if I wanted a frozen banana, and I said no, but I want a normal banana later, so... yea.

- RIP Mitch Hedberg

Post July 24th, 2009, 4:56 am

Posts: 5286
Points on hand: 3,059.00 Points
Location: USA
Nah, nothing to test. Other than to say what youll end up saying in your rate. Why? Im not changing anything on the track. Ive tweaked till my eyes bled basically. I even eliminated a few pesky wobbles on the drop (S drops are finicky... ;) ) so Im satisfied. Its rare a ride comes together this quickly and also that Im satisfied.

So thats why I dont generally do testers. This wont be an exception. No reason since its not a recreation and I dont need any input. If I start changing things now, itll never get done. lol

Kinda lied that it was done. I knew there was an area I wasnt satisfied with and fixed it this morning.

I redid the entire second half after the first real element. I just had too many weird non-pumping, but oddly shaped track movements I knew I could get out. After some handy smoothing I figured out my major problem and things came together. I am currently doing some timing and should start to terrain this thing when I get back from Kings Island.

Wont see you guys for 2 days. hopefully Diamondback is a lot nicer to me this time unlike last time!

BTW Inversions, in no particular order.

1 Zero G
2 Loops
1 Overbanked Turn
1 Wrap Around Immelman
2 Wingovers
2 Helicies
1 S Drop

Post July 26th, 2009, 2:28 pm

Posts: 836
Points on hand: 3,207.00 Points
Location: Indianapolis, IN

^Sounds pretty cool. Also, ride Diamondback when it gets dark but wait in the single rider's line (even if you wait in it with other people). There is a tiny wait time and every time i used that line i was placed in the last car.

Post July 29th, 2009, 12:17 pm

Posts: 5286
Points on hand: 3,059.00 Points
Location: USA
Hmmm, another 2 days overhauling the track. didnt think it was possible but you guys know me...well enough is just not well enough.

But I promise, trackwork is done now. Finally satisfied with the results I got. Mostly reshaping to lower some annoying lats that were realistic but figured a little too high for here ;)

Now Im moving onto terrain and moving the whole ride into 3dMax.

Post July 29th, 2009, 12:21 pm

Posts: 1149
Points on hand: 1,004.00 Points
Location: Virginia, USA
A track from Real = heaven on earth. lol

Sounds nice. Have you decided on a theme?
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Post July 29th, 2009, 12:31 pm

Posts: 5286
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Location: USA
Actual Park theme. It will be settled in a park much like a Raptor would be with pathways, surrounding rides (not many...thats not the focus) benches, main walkway, etc. I want it to seem very realistic and natural. Not some crazy over the top theme. If you walked into MOST any park this is how youd see it.

I dont think enough of us with 3d skills do this - so I will. I prefer a ride set in a natural, realistic setting.

Post July 29th, 2009, 12:34 pm

Posts: 1149
Points on hand: 1,004.00 Points
Location: Virginia, USA
Nice. Knowing how you are a 3ds masta, are you going to completely whore it up, or just add a bit of surrounding 3ds and stuffs?
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Post July 29th, 2009, 1:20 pm

Posts: 5286
Points on hand: 3,059.00 Points
Location: USA
No complete whoring. I want to focus on creating a 3ds spine so I can custom color it as well as make the immediate surroundings ridiculously realistic. My textures are going to be crazy this time.

Post July 29th, 2009, 1:29 pm

Posts: 3153
Points on hand: 2,842.21 Points
Bank: 6,969.69 Points
Hey Real, your trackwork is wrong. Might want to go fix it again. ;)

But yeah, good luck with this. If you'd like to try out one of the environments I've done recently you're welcome to...and you can use the newest long as you release after me. :P

Glad it's coming along well though! As you've seen in my recent unannounced rides, I agree that the realistic park feel is the way to go :)

Post July 29th, 2009, 1:35 pm

Posts: 146
Points on hand: 1,680.00 Points
Location: Colorado, USA
It sounds like this is going to be a nice ride. Will there be any pictures in the future, Real?


Post July 29th, 2009, 1:35 pm

Posts: 5286
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Location: USA
Im also going to feature my own skybox and such. I got my hands on loads and loads of crazy textures I forgot I had laying around an old harddrive.

Mmmm. Total Textures.

Post July 29th, 2009, 1:56 pm

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Points on hand: 1,282.00 Points

Post July 29th, 2009, 2:11 pm

Posts: 5286
Points on hand: 3,059.00 Points
Location: USA
Heading out for the rest of the day...but I have begun the 3ds spine and texturing it. I should have pictures possibly tonight if I dont stay out too late.

Post July 29th, 2009, 2:16 pm

Posts: 1149
Points on hand: 1,004.00 Points
Location: Virginia, USA
Sounds really nice. I'm looking forward to the realisic feel. If you need any opinions, I'm here. Although you probably don't need any. haha
Just keep scrolling...

Post July 29th, 2009, 5:19 pm

Posts: 3153
Points on hand: 2,842.21 Points
Bank: 6,969.69 Points
Oh, I'm sorry I thought you wanted to use a *good* environment. My mistake ;)

Post July 29th, 2009, 8:09 pm

Posts: 1613
Points on hand: 62.00 Points
Huh. So i'm guessing were looking at one of those more "compact" designs like Raptor and not something ginormous like Katun? And also, what method do you use to create your wing-overs?
So, my friend came up to me the other day and asked if I wanted a frozen banana, and I said no, but I want a normal banana later, so... yea.

- RIP Mitch Hedberg

Post July 29th, 2009, 10:10 pm

Posts: 5367
Points on hand: 1,916.00 Points
Location: San Antonio, Texas, USA

You can make pretty good wingovers in newton/fvd if you know what you're doing.

Can't wait to see more updates Real!

Post July 29th, 2009, 10:23 pm

Posts: 1149
Points on hand: 1,004.00 Points
Location: Virginia, USA
Originally posted by Flickstah

Huh. So i'm guessing were looking at one of those more "compact" designs like Raptor and not something ginormous like Katun? And also, what method do you use to create your wing-overs?

I really hope so. I think the more exciting B&M inverts are the compact ones. I mean... Katun looks amazing, but the forces and layouts of compact inverts seem to be a bit better imo.
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Post July 29th, 2009, 10:24 pm

Posts: 5286
Points on hand: 3,059.00 Points
Location: USA
i hand built 95% of this track. Its more of a katun sized ride actually. I wanted something "epic" in height but not too tall like alpie.

Post July 29th, 2009, 10:44 pm

Posts: 1149
Points on hand: 1,004.00 Points
Location: Virginia, USA
[:(] "It's okay Alpie, Real didn't mean it personally."

Is it drawn out though? Or is is compact at a larger scale?
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Post July 30th, 2009, 5:14 pm

Posts: 5286
Points on hand: 3,059.00 Points
Location: USA
Do you think Id draw it out? lol. I love G Forces...cant really draw it out and still maintain good g-forces.

Right now Im thinking of Black, Red (brighter or darker) and White for colors.

Using a Cedar Fair color scheme like so


Im trying to come up with a good combination and picking which color goes where. The top and bottom of the spine have to match (as well as the Ties) and then you have the main spine color and the supports. So 3 colors. Anything jump out as a good setup?

Post July 30th, 2009, 7:07 pm

Posts: 1149
Points on hand: 1,004.00 Points
Location: Virginia, USA
Haha. I shoulda known better.

^What parts would the colors go to? Spine, supports and track I mean.
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Post July 30th, 2009, 7:18 pm

Posts: 5286
Points on hand: 3,059.00 Points
Location: USA
I told you above...


Supports - White
Top and Bottom Spine + Rails - Red
Main Spin - Black

3 colors. Mix and match. I want black or white in it. I love a white or red stripe. I want the strips to stick out. Maybe Dark Red supports, Black main spine and the Top, Bottom and rails White? I dont have the time to imagine that tonight. But any realistic (not uber bright or flourescent) colors that a park would put in, throw em out. Ill try em.

Post July 30th, 2009, 7:20 pm

Posts: 836
Points on hand: 3,207.00 Points
Location: Indianapolis, IN

I would go with mostly greyscale colors like black, silverish, or white as the main colors with a dab of red as you mentioned. That really fits the spy/Bond theme. I'll have to mess around with those to see which looks best where, but I would go with that general idea.


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