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[unofficial] B&M Stand up multi-looper contest

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I miss seeing contests, so here's one. The rules are simple and this should be pretty fun.

The time limit will be 3 weeks from today, the 25th.

- Station and beginning of lift must be in the triangle at the top left.
- Must stay within the guidelines. Obviously.
- Lift angle must be no more than 43 degrees.
- Layout must contain at least 4 inversions.
- Layout must contain an MCBR.
- Must run 3 trains of 8 cars.
- Terraforming is allowed up to 25 feet. This includes tree tops.
- There's no limit on lift speeds or forces, use your best judgement. It's a B&M contest. If B&M wouldn't do it, don't do it.
- All lift/launch types are allowed.

Every player must rate or score the other tracks after the contest is over. Details will follow.

The template is located here:

Any questions?
Last edited by NightwindElf on February 5th, 2013, 3:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Originally posted by GerstlCrazy
Cool! The name is Fly Over Rainforest?
I was under the impression the name was Green Coaster Goes Fast Goes High Has Clockwise Loop Has Straight Upside Down Four Seats Two On Each Side Fast Coaster?

Post February 4th, 2013, 11:43 am
Tetsu Premium Member
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Rules need work. A LOT of work. What are the G-Force limits for one? Lift speed? Ect, ect, ect.

Post February 4th, 2013, 12:31 pm

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I am a huge fan of stand-up coasters and I like making them, so this contest was made for me.
I hope there will also be a Gravity Group contest sometime in the future.
But yeah, what Tetsu said. Also, another question: are 3DS allowed? I kinda want to make 3DS lift hill catwalks because the simulator's catwalks look kinda cheap especially on a B&M coaster, many of which have a part of the catwalk that travels right under the track.

Post February 4th, 2013, 1:08 pm

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In my opinion, the rules are solid enough. If you want to know the G-force limits, go look some stats up. If your submission pulls 6 positive G's, I would score down for that, because it would hurt your legs and/or crotch.

The only rule I would personally change is the lift angle. Either eliminate the constraint or make it a larger range, like 35 - 45. But it's your contest; you don't have to change anything.

Post February 4th, 2013, 1:15 pm

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actually the lift would have to be rather steep to fit anything realistic in that area
What are these for?

Post February 4th, 2013, 1:35 pm

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I would think maybe not have anything much more than 4 G's if at all. This kinda reminds me of the invert tight fit challenge that I attempted and failed. Wondering if to make another B&M spaghetti bowl.
Any stipulations on maximum lift hill height?

Post February 4th, 2013, 1:51 pm

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Originally posted by Tetsu

Rules need work. A LOT of work. What are the G-Force limits for one? Lift speed? Ect, ect, ect.


I was very excited about a new contest when I saw this thread, but that flash of excitement quickly became disappointment after perusing such a dull short list of rules. This, in my opinion, would be more like work than fun. A contest should provide challenging yet interesting restrictions that incite people to sign up in hope of proving their skill at being flexible and designing interesting coasters.

Post February 4th, 2013, 2:20 pm

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If it's not mentioned in the rules, it's allowed. Just use your best judgement. For example, don't go crazy overboard with objects - it slows down frame rate and may or may not lower your score.

The only thing I did forget is the time limit on this. I'll add it now.

Originally posted by tiepilot35

The only rule I would personally change is the lift angle. Either eliminate the constraint or make it a larger range, like 35 - 45.

I'm really trying to stick to B&M standards. I think most of their lifts are between 40-43.
Originally posted by GerstlCrazy
Cool! The name is Fly Over Rainforest?
I was under the impression the name was Green Coaster Goes Fast Goes High Has Clockwise Loop Has Straight Upside Down Four Seats Two On Each Side Fast Coaster?

Post February 4th, 2013, 3:33 pm
hyyyper User avatar
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Originally posted by Tetsu

Rules need work. A LOT of work. What are the G-Force limits for one? Lift speed? Ect, ect, ect.

Why limit those? If your G's are too high or your lift speed is unrealistic, you will lose points in your rating. No needs to create a bunch of useless rules.

Post February 4th, 2013, 3:42 pm

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so umm the lift angle has to be between 40 and 43, but all types are allowed? seems contradictory. I've got the perfect space efficient type, but it is not in that angle area.

also why does it matter where the motor is? I never even pay attention to that button.
What are these for?

Post February 4th, 2013, 3:51 pm

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Originally posted by CKidd

so umm the lift angle has to be between 40 and 43, but all types are allowed? seems contradictory. I've got the perfect space efficient type, but it is not in that angle area.

also why does it matter where the motor is? I never even pay attention to that button.

If you use a lift or a launch like Hulk, the angle needs to be close to where B&M makes theirs. If you use a flat style launch, then that obviously doesn't apply. I'll update that rule, now that I think about it.
Originally posted by GerstlCrazy
Cool! The name is Fly Over Rainforest?
I was under the impression the name was Green Coaster Goes Fast Goes High Has Clockwise Loop Has Straight Upside Down Four Seats Two On Each Side Fast Coaster?

Post February 4th, 2013, 6:02 pm

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How the hell am I supposed to fit 4 inversions and a MCBR in a space this small?!?
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Post February 4th, 2013, 6:12 pm

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Originally posted by Jonny Richey

How the hell am I supposed to fit 4 inversions and a MCBR in a space this small?!?

It may seem challenging right now, but once you are surprised at how much track can fit in such a small space, your track will look more sick and fun to look at.

Post February 4th, 2013, 7:00 pm
A.S.C. User avatar
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Originally posted by NightwindElf

slows down frame rate and may or may not lower your score.

posts a ride to coastercrazy for feedback

gets critiqued on the frame rate

Post February 4th, 2013, 7:45 pm

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still nothing against spiral lifts... not realistic but it is a space saver
What are these for?

Post February 4th, 2013, 8:10 pm

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Originally posted by CKidd

still nothing against spiral lifts... not realistic but it is a space saver

Seems like cheating to me. Maybe if this was, um, a whatever ride manufacturers make spiral lifts contest, it wouldn't be.

Post February 4th, 2013, 8:27 pm

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I don't like limitations of angle and crap like that. Just say 4 inversion, skip the MCBR, and minimum track length. No need to get so specific that we all end up with the same ride.

Post February 4th, 2013, 8:27 pm
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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Originally posted by NightwindElf

- If you use a chain or cable lift, the angle must be between 40-43 degrees.

Yeah, everyone uses newton and such here. It's not like it's easy for handbuilders to determine a steepness of a cirtain lifthill...
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Post February 4th, 2013, 8:47 pm
RideWarriorNation User avatar
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Originally posted by Dirk_Ermen

Originally posted by NightwindElf

- If you use a chain or cable lift, the angle must be between 40-43 degrees.

Yeah, everyone uses newton and such here. It's not like it's easy for handbuilders to determine a steepness of a cirtain lifthill...
just use the AHG, load the track in there and look at the Slope Out

Post February 4th, 2013, 9:26 pm

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Originally posted by RideWarriorNation

Originally posted by Dirk_Ermen

Originally posted by NightwindElf

- If you use a chain or cable lift, the angle must be between 40-43 degrees.

Yeah, everyone uses newton and such here. It's not like it's easy for handbuilders to determine a steepness of a cirtain lifthill...
just use the AHG, load the track in there and look at the Slope Out

Or, you know, do some simple algebra. Take both ends of the lift, find the slope..
-Edit: Or even trig, for that matter.
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Post February 4th, 2013, 9:34 pm
A.S.C. User avatar
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Post February 4th, 2013, 9:59 pm

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Post February 4th, 2013, 11:32 pm

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Originally posted by NightwindElf

I'm really trying to stick to B&M standards. I think most of their lifts are between 40-43.

This is only true for newer hypers, and dive machines and flyers. The normal angle is between 25 and about 33. GL is around 26/27.

Secondly what is the cutoff angle for inversions?

EDIT:I was being stupid
Log Jammer, SFMM
Originally posted by richie5126
T: all newtons on this site are smooth so this must be high.

Post February 5th, 2013, 1:25 pm

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Originally posted by Bottom_Feeder_13

Originally posted by NightwindElf

I'm really trying to stick to B&M standards. I think most of their lifts are between 40-43.

This is only true for newer hypers, and dive machines and flyers. The normal angle is between 25 and about 33. GL is around 26/27.

Secondly what is the cutoff angle for inversions?

EDIT:I was being stupid

If you do anything less than 40-43 on the lift, I don't think you'll be able to get much height in the template.

Inversion cutoff is 130. Anything less, and I don't think it would feel too much like an inversion.
Originally posted by GerstlCrazy
Cool! The name is Fly Over Rainforest?
I was under the impression the name was Green Coaster Goes Fast Goes High Has Clockwise Loop Has Straight Upside Down Four Seats Two On Each Side Fast Coaster?

Post February 5th, 2013, 2:41 pm

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Since when do B&M loopers (esp. stand-ups) have like 40-43 lift angles? Dive coasters have like 45 and those feel crazy steep when you ride them.


I know it's not dead-on perspective in the drawing, but that does not look close this this (which is a very similar perspective:


I know I'm going all dcs on you but near-45 degree lifts on a stand-up = stand-up dive coaster.

Unless that's what you want then I don't care. Just thought I would point out.


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