So, CNM Fall term has officially begun, I am enrolled in 3 courses totalling 9 credit hours:
$40.00: Cost for registration
$27.00: Technology usage fees ($9.00 per class)
$123.00: Tuition
Total cost of registration: $190.00
All of those courses have their own required texts:
$122.50: Nutrition for Healthy Living
$126.76: Acp Computer Concepts Illustrated
$61.25: Intro to College Algebra
Total book costs: $310.50
And now we have general school supplies: Pencils, paper, binders, etc.
Supplies total: 60.26
Total cost? $560.76 for 14 weeks College courses.
EDIT: Mighty nice walk down easy street for my undergrad, it seems. I'm starting to dread Graduate school.
Well, good thing UNM has a good engineering program. [8)]