Supports look just OK on the lift. Perhaps you should innovate a bit and come up with a really pretty structure that works. But in all honesty I really don't like it the way they are now.
I think the new supports look frickin' awesome man. 2 things right off the bat though, don't make them go up the lift so high. That was kind of the prospect with the way Intamin did the vertical lift, and if you utilize your own new structure (which I agree looks Xcelerator-esque which is bonus points) while also following one characteristic of the original Fahrenheit structure, I personally think it will do you better.
And lowering the supports will accent the lift crest more, right now the track and supports don't 100% compliment each other.
2nd thing, you should make the spine rails the same color as everything else. Personal opinion is that it would upgrade the ride's eye candy status even further...
This whole response of suggestions was derived from personal opinion of course, for all I know no one will agree and it is your ride hahahaha. Looks cool though man.
Thank for you circling the part i had to work on CK, I was totally not aware of how awkward and unstable it looks. I build the entire structure in the editor and once I went into the sim to take the screen I realized how terrible it looked. So dont worry your squishy little head about it
I would do some sort of triangular structure rather than a box or wedge shape structure. dodging that track below the drop will be much easier this way.
I did this on an older track (like my bad shaping?) when I had a slightly similar "dodge the track" situation for my supports.
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Maybe give something like the triangle shaped thing on the left side a shot. It irked me and still does to not have two of the same style supports, but it worked.
It's not as simple as changing the structure like that people, there isn't that much clearance under the lift, I might just go back to what I had before if you guys keep bitching about the supports. I'm not going to keep changing it because it's slowing my progress on the rest of the ride.