... ?tid=12487
Valleyfair's rating on Mountain Thunder seems too vague and opinionated. I know - rates are opinions. But to say one didn't like a ride and rate it down for that? I'd say, don't rate it at all. There are lots of submitted rides I don't particularly care for, but I don't rate them - BECAUSE I didn't like them. (of course, I like some I never get around to rating....). Anyway, comments like "boring", "too long", up and down (isn't that what coasters do?).... My Mercury coaster had a rate deleted because the rater loved it and rated it high and someone requested that the rate be deleted because nothing specific was said about Mercury. While a little more was said about this one, it still seems like a useless rating. I think all 3 categories were too low for the ride, especially in comparison to other rates for Mountain Thunder and for other rides on the site.
Thanks for considering.