I can't beleave how this forum is turned as pure dominating little kiddy poop forum . ROFL . It changed alot specially you dumbass ( wws ) And so ever . I wont be surprised if you ban me . You all idiot ruined that forum and your topics are simply ridiculous . I tho met good ppls here ( javi , matt ( not talked to much ) , and .But 25 % of these ppls are banned cause WWS is the god of the god right ? Burn all to hell and i hope this will end a day . You guys are funny and for those that din't know i was here b4 this current account and got banned but lol i could easly make another account . Adios
Seriously, what? I dont understand hardly any of that. Also just so you know, this website is the most visited rollercoaster gaming site (source alexa.com) It is just making me laugh the way you 13-15 year olds are actualy listening to Matt and thinking we actualy care. Matt was banned for several reasons, also due to the fact that he says the site sucks and doesnt wish to come here. But it does make me laugh the way he is still constantly trying to come back here.
As WWS said try and list as many banned members as you can. I suspect you can name about 2 or 3. Why, because we may jest about banning, but we never actualy do it for no reason. Some people have even uploaded 2 or 3 stolen tracks onto the exchange and got away with it. So your half minded comments dictated by Matt really does not bother us, at all