It was about three in the afternoon when i got out of school and went home, it's about a trip of 10 km so i took a half hour to cycle home, while i was getting home tru the weather i heard lots of police sirens, and i thought it was a guy playing with a toy.
When i got home i saw my dad sitting on couch watching tv, this was odd because he had to work at the cafe of my uncle, because last week the "Kermis" was in Maasbree, the town i'm talking about, the kermis is a period of 5 days when a lot of flat rides come to a square next to the village's church. Whell, anyway, the cafe i'm talking about had i tent during the kermis, wich i worked in from 8pm till 5am in the mornging, wich, after the kermis had to be cleaned up. So my dad and some men where cleaning up, then comes a officer walking in says then have to evecuate because some guy with explosives was robbing a bank 200meters down the street.
My dad saw some sniperguys getting there gear reading and climbing the roof of my uncle cafe. anyway after a few hours, the bank employees escaped and the guy was bit by a police dog, and taken away in an ambulance, he didn't even hav a gun or explosives.
Well, i dont know if one of you once had a heist only 5km away, but i just wanted to share it, escepsially to the dutch members who coulnt hav missed it if they where aware that day.
EDI: a nephew of me took some pics, i hope i can get them and put them online