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Billy Mays has died ...

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Post June 28th, 2009, 1:52 pm

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Post June 28th, 2009, 1:57 pm

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Billy Mays died too? How many more people are passing away?

This is just depressing, really depressing.

Post June 28th, 2009, 1:58 pm
gouldy User avatar
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no idea who this guy is, but he's from a place called Hillsborough, wow, ask anyone from this country about Hillsborough and it would also be stories of death.

Post June 28th, 2009, 2:06 pm

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Originally posted by gouldy

no idea who this guy is, but he's from a place called Hillsborough, wow, ask anyone from this country about Hillsborough and it would also be stories of death.

Billy mays is a tv pitchman. He actually didn't completely suck. Now we have to go back to Vince. The only thing i hated about him was that he was on EVERY SINGLE product commercial for like two years.

Post June 28th, 2009, 2:15 pm
gouldy User avatar
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what the heck is a tv pitchman? Something to with advertising, that much is obvious. Live adverts or something?

Post June 28th, 2009, 2:22 pm

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Yeah he did alot of ads on t.v. I know i probabally could have worded the other post better.

Post June 28th, 2009, 2:37 pm

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Post June 28th, 2009, 2:52 pm

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If I have to start listening to more of the Sham-Wow guy I am gonna be the next one to kick the bucket.

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Post June 28th, 2009, 3:19 pm

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Post June 28th, 2009, 4:00 pm

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damn, at first i thought this was fake. That kinda sucks, he had gotten a TV show on the discovery channel called "pitchmen" where products would be presented to them and they choose some to advertise and promote. it was a really good show too. damn.
^the message is up there^

Post June 28th, 2009, 4:17 pm

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Yes^ I love pitchmen. I've always wanted to meet Billy Mays, it is really depressing.

Post June 28th, 2009, 4:23 pm

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That's 4 famous people in one week! That means the Mayans were right! [shocked] That means there will be 1 person left on December 21st 2012. And that'll be me!!!! [lol] And I'll be riding my last roller coasters [:(]

Post June 28th, 2009, 4:51 pm

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WTH? 50 also?!

Well, I guess the TV show will now be called Pitchman with anthony Sullivan [lol]

Post June 28th, 2009, 5:52 pm

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Maybe if he wasn't always screaming his lungs out he may have survived!

Post June 28th, 2009, 5:58 pm

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^Yes, of course, lack of oxygen. That explains it. Or some guy got so pissed off about his obnoxious voice that they murdered him. Poor guy.

Post June 28th, 2009, 6:34 pm

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jeez first Michael Jackson now this? what is this world coming to???

Post June 28th, 2009, 6:50 pm

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Billy's gone and Vince is in prison. Who's going to alert me to sub-par quality houshold products now? Is Cher free these days?

Post June 28th, 2009, 7:04 pm
jayman Premium Member
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Post June 28th, 2009, 7:51 pm

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That sucks. Billy was the only person i didnt mind screaming at me on the tv.

Post June 28th, 2009, 8:33 pm

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dang, i loved pitchmen that was a good show i was watching it friday and LOVE IT i cant believe he died, thats not cool
i put the laughter in manslaughter!

Post June 28th, 2009, 10:43 pm

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RIP buddy, i will miss your catchy infomercials
I am Michael Jackson favorite child to play with!!!

Post June 29th, 2009, 12:03 am

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im sad. me and my friend heard about billy dieing and got really upset. i will miss him.

and i agree, pitchmen was a great show! too bad.

and f vince gets out and starts doing more commercials, i will personally kill him.

EDIT: in the first link, theres a link to billy's sons twitter. i dont use twitter, but i saw something he posted what the page said 13 hours ago. "My dad didn't wake up this morning.. I'm sure you'll all hear about it. It hasn't yet hit me but it's about to." that was really sad to read. seeing his son(billy mays III) in the show pitchmen, he seemed like such a nice guy. it must have been hard for him to post that. i feel so bad for him and the rest of his family...

Post June 29th, 2009, 7:54 pm
Tetsu Premium Member
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Found that comic on Billy's son's Twitter page. Thought it was pretty funny.

I also love the show "Pitchmen" and I hope it call still continue with Sully. Though from what Sully said, I think the series is over.

Here is that statement,
There are no words to describe how I feel about the passing of my great friend and fellow Pitchman Billy Mays. I have a massive hole in my heart. My thoughts go out to his wife, Deborah, son Billy III, and his beautiful daughter, Elizabeth, his mom and dad and his whole family.

Billy and I have known each other for 15 years. We are the greatest of friends. He was the best at what he did -- his uncompromising style coupled with his black beard, blue shirt and khaki pants will be embedded in my memory for all time. His uniqueness created an industry that I am proud to be a part of. We were literally joined at the hip for the past six months.

Discovery Channel's "Pitchmen" was not only a wonderful experience, but also a great opportunity for Billy and I to let people into our world and see what an awesome guy he was in front of the cameras and show our friendship to the world.

There was a lot more to Billy as a person than Billy the Pitchman -- he was a loving, caring family man with the heart and roar of a lion. He loved what he did and loved his fans. The overwhelming outpouring of support shows what an amazing individual Billy was.

I'm proud to have had him as a friend. I'll miss him greatly and I'll miss hearing him saying, "Hi Billy Mays here... Here's how to order!"

Post June 29th, 2009, 9:55 pm

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Great picture shared with me today:
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