While Hamutep is now closed for restyling [peakhill] a new beast is suddenly growing among the ruins of temple of Ciceniza:a furious inverted B&M coaster which will bring you ina high speed ride through tunnels and towers!
themeing and all of that junk is more important to people these days. i dont get it either. if its a good ride, its a good ride. themeing and a name dont really add *that* much to a ride, that would make it good or bad. look at MF, cool name, but im pretty sure if it was called "RollerCoaster14" people would like it just as much.
Looks good man, but then, all of your rides do in these topics. I think perhaps the stone texture is a bit oversized, but then it's your call. It's trivial i guess.
I know that the name is not that original but it's completely inspired...I chose the desert terrain just to show the terrain I'm building but the last choice is going to be certainly grass[;)]
That loop looks very mis-shapen. The radius has too much fluxuation (is that a word? lol) It should be a much more continuous change, from large to small back to large.
Thanx for all the precious comments:I know that this coaster has a really strange final part.
I built it to give some more originality and thrill!Maybe not everyone will appreciate it but overall thanx again!!!
What like Raptor or nemesis? Both types of loops are good IMO. Circular ones are more forceful in the bottom, but the B&M Oval loops also have that flick at the top.
This looks really good. I try to get my comments to you when I'm able to get on my good computer. One thing on that screen, maybe you could make the eye on that snake a little less big black dot in paint.