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Post July 27th, 2003, 3:48 pm

Posts: 436
Points on hand: 4,347.00 Points
Location: Vuh geezy, VA, USA

I got blender a couple days ago(Blender-2.27) I just cant figure it out and the tutorial thing from the website didnt work. maybe there should be a new article for blender and anim8tor. which one is better and in blender can you make like a building(windows, door) or somethin for a 3D object in NL. i dont think this has to do with blender or anim8tor but how do you make new kinds of stations for NL??

Post July 27th, 2003, 3:58 pm

Posts: 1830
Points on hand: 3,960.00 Points
Location: London, United Kingdom

i can't help, but i do wonder how u do make stations

Post July 27th, 2003, 4:19 pm

Posts: 947
Points on hand: 3,039.00 Points
lol [lol] when I started reading i thought you meant this kinda of blender


A tutorial how to make a banana milkshake?

Anyway i understand you mean the 3d program, I think it's a good idea to start of with anim8or since it is the easiest 3d program these days. Just make some stuff along with the tutorials and with more than enough patience you'll prolly learn how to make 3ds stuff for NL.

Post July 27th, 2003, 5:24 pm

Posts: 436
Points on hand: 4,347.00 Points
Location: Vuh geezy, VA, USA

i made a box in blender(not the appliance) for a test but now, how to get it into the NL editor? i saved the thing in objects but there has to be somethin i dont know.

p.s. i tried the eggplant tutorial!

Post July 27th, 2003, 5:33 pm

Posts: 776
Points on hand: 4,606.00 Points
Location: Alberta, Canada
blender has the most confusing interface that i';ve ever tryed to use. it's much more powerful than anim8or, but if your not going to use that power and are just going to make simple low-poly objects I'd sugest that you just stick to anim8or.

You need to export the object as a .3ds file, I don't even know if you can do that in Blender but I'm sure tha you can.

Post July 27th, 2003, 5:55 pm

Posts: 436
Points on hand: 4,347.00 Points
Location: Vuh geezy, VA, USA

ooooopps, i made a mistake. i made the box in anim8tor and the eggplant tutorial was for anim8tor too. but how to make stations[confused] I'll just play around with anim8tor till i get the hang of it.

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