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Bush or Kerry

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Bush or Kerry

Both Suck!
Both Are Good!
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Total votes : 54

Post October 27th, 2004, 7:35 am

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Location: Etobicoke(Toronto), Is Ontario a state?, Canada

Post October 27th, 2004, 1:30 pm

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Post October 27th, 2004, 4:01 pm

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Originally posted by Matt

Whats wrong with you Americans!!!! For God Sake you have a giant party because it comes up to a election. Why do you all go beserk?? Us Brits as Edge said dont give a crap. We have more news about the election and it doesnt even matter to us!

Vote for NIETHER!


Erm im Canadian .lol

Post October 27th, 2004, 4:28 pm

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Post October 28th, 2004, 12:55 pm

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both suck a lot, BUT kerry is NOT bush so he gets my vote. you'd have to have a real maniac for an opponent if i were to vote for bush. it's like with 2000, bush and gore were both crappy choices, but i was for gore because he wasnt in the bush family, and he had first hand white house expierence. yes bush's dad was prez, but that doesnt mean he had first hand expierences. but now, with this election, bush prooved that he can't run the country and it's time to end this chaos and get someone who at least has an idea of what he's doing. no, kerry is not the best choice for prez, but keep in mind we're living in a country that elected the terminator as governor of california so at the moment kerry is probably amongst the best we can get lol

Post October 28th, 2004, 4:09 pm

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But I'm sure Bush will win again by cheating like in 2000.

Post October 28th, 2004, 4:51 pm

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Cobb... (Greens) that's who all the political quizzes put me closest too, not nader, not kerry, and ovbiously not bush.

Post October 28th, 2004, 8:29 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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Arnold, is actually a pretty good govenor (however you spell that) and for the most part he's been doing a good job, there may be a couple of things he's keeping from us, but so is Kerry and Bush, PS. Kerry's a bigger lier than Bush.

Post October 28th, 2004, 8:40 pm

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Originally posted by Chronoteeth

IMHO, they both need to xxx, badly.

Ummm, that comment alone can be considered a felony (threatening or commenting that the President of the United States should die), whether in jest or not it is a crime (kinda like mentioning a bomb at an airport) ... don't be stupid Chrono. ... m01528.htm ... m01529.htm ... m01532.htm ... m01543.htm

Maybe you think I am being too serious about this, but step back and see that I am providing you the information so you can informed is all ... especially before replying and embarassing yourself.

Post October 28th, 2004, 9:59 pm

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Location: Etobicoke(Toronto), Is Ontario a state?, Canada

Post October 31st, 2004, 11:13 am

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Something I found and could not stop laughing over ...

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Vote BUSH! :-)

Post October 31st, 2004, 4:06 pm

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Originally posted by TConwell

Something I found and could not stop laughing over ...

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36.66 KB

Vote BUSH! :-)

"Shove it!"
That's good...

Post November 3rd, 2004, 12:50 pm

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NOT funny.

WTF, bush is winning, Bush SUX I do not care if I get a ton of angry PMs protesting but I don't like him a BIT. I really just wish he could get a hold of what he is trying to do and actually know how much our soldiers are risking just to please him!

After watching Michael Moore's FARENHEIT 9/11 I began to understand all the issues Bush should have taken care of, but no, of course not, he decided to read 'My Pet Goat' when 9/11 was happening. No, he was doing his makeup right before his speech where he did not mean a word of what he said. No, he was being a foolish president. He was endangering our states. I live in NYC, and we are a Kerry state! And WTF, Bush wins? After 9/11 and his foolish war? After all his careless talking? After four miserable years?

We need our hearts back. We need our soldiers back. WE NEED OUR NATION BACK!

Post November 3rd, 2004, 12:57 pm

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^You don't need your nation never went anywhere lol...what you need is a whole revamping of your parliament and its system.
I find it extremely sad that the US calls itself a democracy but you only have two that actually contend for leadership. You need more equality for candidates who have valid points, but not enough money to keep up with people like bush or kerry.

blah blah blah...I'm just glad I live in Canada. And I am also glad that this bogus election is almost done with because it is invading my valuable tv time as well!

Post November 3rd, 2004, 1:02 pm

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Kerry has called to concede the election ... the bickering needs to quit now. It is done, and he lost.,2933,137486,00.html

The President of the United States is George W. Bush ... and there was NEVER any doubt here.

Post November 3rd, 2004, 1:14 pm
gouldy User avatar
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Does it matter who gets the most votes, because Bush would get into the whitehouse whether or not he is voted for by the most people, like last time, when Al Gore had half a million more votes than george bush and still george bush gets into the whitehouse [confused] How the hell does that work!? And why? Because you know, George Bush has an IQ of 91, my IQ is 126.......nuff said. Ahwell, Bush has won, we're all love, Mr Blair is so love far up Bush's arsehole, that he is blind to whats happening and does whatever Bush tells him to do, cus you know, Blair is so clearly in love with Bush. Together, Britain and America are going to destroy everything, under the leadership of two total knobrots.

Post November 3rd, 2004, 2:09 pm
Oscar User avatar
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Now let's wait and see what other countries we go to war with in the next 2 years...

Post November 3rd, 2004, 2:17 pm

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yeah ahah, the us can't even finish what they start...Iraq v2, korean war, aphganistan (sp?)...etc

Post November 3rd, 2004, 4:32 pm

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What really kills me is that people think that even after breaking God's most basic rules that Bush has more morality than Kerry by a margin of 81% to 19%. The best thing that comes out of this election result is that in 2008, Hillary Clinton will have a clear path to run for president. My only complaint is that it is very conspicuous that Osama Bin Laden aired a new brodcast on Arab TV just 4 days before the election, and therefore "reminded" everyone that we are at war. Hmm... coincidence? [;)]

Post November 3rd, 2004, 5:49 pm

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lets see, more people are killed by abortion in a month then by wars in a year, hmm, kerry believes in abortion but no war. go fig


Post November 3rd, 2004, 6:43 pm

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Location: Etobicoke(Toronto), Is Ontario a state?, Canada

well, it looks like bush won, so long world.

P.S. most of florda voted for bush, even though in 2000, he screwed them over.

Post November 3rd, 2004, 7:18 pm

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Originally posted by pacoasterrider

lets see, more people are killed by abortion in a month then by wars in a year, hmm, kerry believes in abortion but no war. go fig


Thats kind of unfair to compare those two subjects together. Abortion is more of a personal opinion/religious issue which shouldn't be involved in politics in the first place because obviously whoever is leading the country/state/whatever is going to have some bias as to whether it is right or not.
And war, well war is just a perfect example of idiocy at its best. Especially when you goto war over something that doesn't excist! Hopefully Bush will remove his head from his ass and realize what a stupid mistake he made by invading Iraq before the search for weapons of mass destruction was even over.

uhh, I was going to write something else, but I can't remember haha [sillyme]

Post November 3rd, 2004, 7:30 pm

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Post November 3rd, 2004, 7:58 pm

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And with Bush's victory, we are likely soon to return to the days of the draft. And we will become involved in wars for 4 more years. And these wars will kill many of the militants on the US side, as well as continue to drive down our economy and employment will likely begin to decrease once more. Yeah, the way I see it we are kinda screwed now, and comments such as yours PACoasterrider are completely idiotic. Firstly, abortion on average may kill more people than wars, but I'd love to see the stats for during Bush's presidency. I would expect the deaths from war to be much higher than, and thats ignoring the fact that most abortions, if they didnt occur, would result in miscarriage, death to the person giving birth, a horrid life for the child, or even the deprivation of the mother giving birth and the child. Where as those in war, they are being killed in humongous amounts in Iraq currently, when it has already been determined that there are no weapons of mass destruction and such. Oh, and BTW, I was pulling for Kerry, in case you couldn't tell.
PS- To G-Force, thats REAL mature, are you sure youre in your double digits yet?

Post November 3rd, 2004, 8:23 pm

Posts: 5626
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Location: Millbrook, Alabama, USA

Wanna hear something funny? There are American citizens who want to leave and go to Canada since Bush has won ... and Canada told them they have to apply like everyone else does and that application could take a year ... Too funny!!!


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