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Bush or Kerry

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Bush or Kerry

Both Suck!
Both Are Good!
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Total votes : 54

Post October 25th, 2004, 9:24 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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well, lets see what the political cartoons after say about the 2 candidates.
Personally, I've come up with my decidion, both are crappy candidate and will not be able to defeat the war on terror. Bush is not aggressive enough, and don't get me started on Kerry. Anyways, why not just blow the crap outa the middle east, or cut the heads off of the terrorists, they do it to us, why not do it back, treating some one who thinks he's dieing for Allah, (actually lying to themselves, but w/e) with rights is like giving them a hotel room. We're basically giving them free food, room, and when it comes time for them to die, TV, some smokes, and a quick painless, or near painless death. Under the other hand, they give innocent people, even their own people, bullets in the back of thier heads, car bombings, slow painful deaths. I mean, why not abuse the terrorists and blow the crap outa them, and nuke em and junk? Sure some innocent people may die in the proccess, but some times people have to die for a greater cause. I mean personally, I'd rather die in a nuclear explosion tomarrow, because its quick and painless, then die 50 years from now with a terrorist holding a knife to my throat. So, if that means I have to die in a big nuclear explosion, so in the future other people won't be terrorized, then so be it, but anways. W/e. I heard I really good quote from Team America, but when I actually see the movie, and remember the quote, I'll write it down. IT was something about how the UN doesn't work, but yeah. SO that's a stupid part of kerry's plan if the UN doesn't work, and its true about what they say about the UN in TA:WP

Post October 25th, 2004, 9:50 pm

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Originally posted by The Edge

damn, its so much more fun to see verbal brawls on forums [lol]

As WWS said argue all you want, although it doesnt get you anywhere it sure is fun to read plus you know you can say pretty much what you want here without getting banned so go for it, on a further note rctycoon112 is fat! [lol] (i couldnt resist, my apologies)

[V] i am really self conscious about my weight, yeah right. [8D] its all good

Post October 25th, 2004, 10:03 pm

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28 votes! yesterday there were sixteen! WTF? .[confused]Kerry's winning in votes? Tsk Tsk.

Post October 25th, 2004, 10:52 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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^ these votes mean nothing, most of us are minors and can't vote anyways.

Post October 26th, 2004, 12:07 am
Oscar User avatar
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the votes mean something as it shows that at least some of america's youth is concious of their near future leaders who will help shape their future. As for the reason of not cutting their heads off as they do to us, simple. We want to stop these people, if we do it to them, then why even start the war, it means we are just as low as them. What we want is to reconsile the differences, obliterate with legal punishment the ones caught and hope for the middle east people and all others who dislike the US that we indeed are in fact good people for the good on the entire human race, not just for the American race. The mistreatment of pow's over there gave us a shattering blow that is still affecting their views on us. Makes them think, they are cowards, they do it behind closed doors and don't tell anyone while their men at least have the balls to video tape their murders and show the world their disgust with the American way or better yet, the imperialistic ways. We want to change that and make peace with all.

Post October 26th, 2004, 12:17 am

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since the bible was brought into this, i feel i need to give more input...

the bible is a very very misunderstood book. i've read through it and resarched it many many times because religion interests me, and i have yet to find anything that has anything to do with homosexuality being negative. BUT that's only if you resarch it, and look at the hebrew versions and if you read it litterally. now, many people have read and distorted it for thousands of purposes over time and the bible has been used to support hitler, slavery, oppression of women, etc etc etc and now is being used against gays. i know this is a debate about bush and kerry, but if your going to bring the bible into it, you have to understand that there is no one way to read the bible and that it means many different things to different people. and because it's meaning is so diverse, it should not be used in relation to politics at all. so, if your a priest or if you're a bum on the street, you may have the same, or very different views on what the bible says, making it unreliable and not suited for any form of legal debate. actually... the same goes for most holy books

Post October 26th, 2004, 12:29 am

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Originally posted by thecool326

well, lets see what the political cartoons after say about the 2 candidates.
Personally, I've come up with my decidion, both are crappy candidate and will not be able to defeat the war on terror. Bush is not aggressive enough, and don't get me started on Kerry. Anyways, why not just blow the crap outa the middle east, or cut the heads off of the terrorists, they do it to us, why not do it back, treating some one who thinks he's dieing for Allah, (actually lying to themselves, but w/e) with rights is like giving them a hotel room. We're basically giving them free food, room, and when it comes time for them to die, TV, some smokes, and a quick painless, or near painless death. Under the other hand, they give innocent people, even their own people, bullets in the back of thier heads, car bombings, slow painful deaths. I mean, why not abuse the terrorists and blow the crap outa them, and nuke em and junk? Sure some innocent people may die in the proccess, but some times people have to die for a greater cause. I mean personally, I'd rather die in a nuclear explosion tomarrow, because its quick and painless, then die 50 years from now with a terrorist holding a knife to my throat. So, if that means I have to die in a big nuclear explosion, so in the future other people won't be terrorized, then so be it, but anways. W/e. I heard I really good quote from Team America, but when I actually see the movie, and remember the quote, I'll write it down. IT was something about how the UN doesn't work, but yeah. SO that's a stupid part of kerry's plan if the UN doesn't work, and its true about what they say about the UN in TA:WP

If you ever become president, I'm moving to Canada... [;)]
What I don't understand is how everybody in this country can be so ignorant. I mean, come on, you can't trust everything the media and political leaders tell you. We shouldn't even be in Iraq, let alone try and win there. The best thing we can do is to pull all of our troops out and apoligize to the people of Iraq for George Bush's stupidity. Before our bombings, Iraq had never attacked America, never threatened to attack America, and never murdered a single American Citizen. Now, may I ask you, what justifies America to have nuclear weapons while other countries dont? We need to set an example and promote pacifism. War can never achieve peace... only endless pain and suffering. As long as George Bush is in office, he will continue his pointless war. All of Europe will eventually hate us, and we will lose allies. I could go on forever about why George Bush needs to step down. He cheated in the 2000 election, he let Osama Bin Laden escape and took over Afghanistan to build an oil pipeline through the country, he attacked Iraq so that his investments in defense companies would get him more money, and he keeps manipulating the terrorist threat level to keep us scared.

The truth: There is no terrorist threat. George Bush is trying to train us like dogs to keep our support. He doesn't care about America, he cares about his own money. And now he is acting like he supports Christian morals? Well, moral this. It doesn't get much more basic than this.

Thou Shalt Not Steal.
George Bush cheated to win the election, stealing it away from the rightful president, Al Gore.

Thou Shalt Not Kill.
George Bush murdered thousands of innocent Iraqui citizens for his own profit.

Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness.
George Bush swore that he was attacking Saddam Hussein for military purposes, while in secret he was meeting with his Saudi investors and pocketing billions of dollars.

Need I say more? You can't say that George Bush has any more religious morality than Jon Kerry... and personally, I'll take someone who is on the border line about some Christian aspects over a cheating, lying murderer who cares more about his own money than the country any old day. Go ahead, critisize me for saying this... I don't give a sh*t about what you ignorant George Bush voters say. I have made my choice, and as a registered voter I will be doing everything in my power to make sure that fool doesn't get re-elected. Look for me on the Macon, GA streets with banner signs.

There. I think I've said enough.

Post October 26th, 2004, 12:33 am
Oscar User avatar
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Look for me on the Macon, GA streets with banner signs.

for a min there I thought you were gonna say something else seeking out Bush voters and silencing them [lol] Had me scared for a while there [lol]

Post October 26th, 2004, 12:35 am
Oscar User avatar
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[lol] also look who lost 400 tons of explosives today
/me runs to hide in a hole.

Post October 26th, 2004, 12:38 am

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and i thought georgia is already colored in republican. on a lighter note there actually are gay republicans, can you believe it? There are some in atlanta.
My friend matt (democrat), i swear he will be a future president, he is obssessed, from his predictions kerry will win but then again it will be a VERY close election. He also said that the rebpulican party aims toward the wealthy and business owners while the democrats aim toward minorites, woman, and the "average" people.

Meh, personnally, i think we should just get rid of the electorial colleges

Post October 26th, 2004, 12:41 am

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No, I don't have any desire to silence bush voters. While I disagree with their decision, I accept it. If I tried to silence voters, I would be doing the same thing that Bush did to the African American community in Florida to win the 2000 election. I do not promote immoral behaviour.

Post October 26th, 2004, 12:49 am
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Post October 26th, 2004, 12:54 am

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sorry, WWS. Figuring out when people are kidding is not one of my finer abilities. [lol]

Post October 26th, 2004, 1:00 am
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Post October 26th, 2004, 1:32 am

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WWS, you had me fooled, I was getting hyped up for a WWS vs. CJD all out.....ummm....hmmmm...lets see, a... "word fight?"[sillyme] Oh well, I agree with CJD on pretty much all he has said, so I kinda have nothing left to say on this issue.

Post October 26th, 2004, 2:32 am

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Nah, I know better than to get in an argument with WWS. [;)]

Post October 26th, 2004, 4:47 am

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Originally posted by cjd

If you ever become president, I'm moving to Canada... [;)]

you should anyways, Canada rocks ;)

Post October 26th, 2004, 12:32 pm

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I want Kerry SO bad. I mean, lookie here. Did Iraq have WMDs? NO.

So we all ask ourselves: WHY DID WE GO TO WAR? I mean, look, we have lost so many soldiers due to Bush's god damn stupidity. Why in the world are so many people Bush supporters? I would not be surprised if people are being payed to be his supporters.

Then, look at this. He is not resigning the weapons ban! Just because the Guns Association or whatever crap'll give him money to not resign the ban. And he wants to bash the Clean Air Act just because he'll get more money!

Sheesh. Im sick of this!

Post October 26th, 2004, 12:42 pm
Oscar User avatar
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Yeah, I too feel the weapons should have been resigned as well, but he is looking to get the votes of the NRA so it would not be in his best interest to sign that weapons ban. He's all for the safety of America yet lets the weapons ban get unbanned, idiot.

Post October 26th, 2004, 1:26 pm

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Post October 26th, 2004, 2:39 pm

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Okay, Edge, I meant I want him for PRESIDENT so bad.

Post October 26th, 2004, 3:58 pm

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Post October 26th, 2004, 6:15 pm

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Originally posted by loopier2001

Okay, Edge, I meant I want him for PRESIDENT so bad.

So glad you cleared that up cause I was gonna have some fun as well ... [:D]

Post October 26th, 2004, 8:57 pm

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I vote kerry cause im a girl ^^ ( tss if u know what i mean ) that's barely dumb

Post October 27th, 2004, 5:21 am

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Whats wrong with you Americans!!!! For God Sake you have a giant party because it comes up to a election. Why do you all go beserk?? Us Brits as Edge said dont give a crap. We have more news about the election and it doesnt even matter to us!

Vote for NIETHER!



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