Dirk_Ermen wrote:
I can't believe so many parks actually go through with such extremely low capacity prototype. I would have expected from Six Flags to sink so low, but Cedar Fair too? This is going to be like 6+ hour queues at ride opening due it's capacity...
I think a lot of people underestimate the capacity of the Raptors compared to other major coasters. Yes, 600 riders per hour is not particularly high, but by comparison a typical two train GCI is 850 and those seem to do okay in major parks. Granted, unlike major parks that have GCIs this will likely be a top coaster at CGA (though I'm not sure it's popularity will be higher than Gold Striker), but given the attendance at the park I'm predicting waits will probably be 40-60 minutes most days. That is, of course, assuming CGA can operate the ride efficiently with all three trains running.