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Carnie Rides

Here, anything goes. Talk about anything that you would like to talk about!

Post October 10th, 2003, 10:07 pm

Posts: 342
Points on hand: 5,840.00 Points
Location: New Jersey, NJ, USA
What is your favorite carnival ride, or amusement park flat ride?

Post October 10th, 2003, 10:22 pm

Posts: 93
Points on hand: 2,968.00 Points
Location: TX, USA
I like those "round-up" thingies (the thing where everyone stands around the inside rim of the big circle and then it spins fast and then tilts up). Had tons of fun on those when I was a kid; they can make you pretty sick though if you ride 'em 7-8 times in a row though[:p]!

Post October 10th, 2003, 11:25 pm

Posts: 1275
Points on hand: 3,816.00 Points
Location: Bay Area, CA

I like the "Grinder Gearworks" type of rides too but I also like wipe-outs and topspins

Post October 11th, 2003, 6:48 am

Posts: 362
Points on hand: 3,903.00 Points
Location: sheffield, United Kingdom

i like the walzter you know where you are sat in a car and it spins and the platform spins and the platform goes up and down little hills.

Post October 11th, 2003, 11:07 pm

Posts: 342
Points on hand: 5,840.00 Points
Location: New Jersey, NJ, USA
My favorites are:

Space Roller (Top Scan, Top Buzz)
Cobra (You never see these anymore!)
Fireball (the KMG Fireball, it's like a Spin Out and a swinging ship)

Post October 12th, 2003, 9:36 pm

Posts: 232
Points on hand: 3,062.00 Points
Location: Tarsonis, planet Aiur
i've always liked the ferris wheel...for two brings back childhood memories and depending where it is you can see almost the whole fairgrounds.

Post October 15th, 2003, 3:19 am

Posts: 93
Points on hand: 2,968.00 Points
Location: TX, USA
Originally posted by Spaceman

i've always liked the ferris wheel...for two brings back childhood memories and depending where it is you can see almost the whole fairgrounds.

Not to mention that it's a great ride to go on with your lady![;)]

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