Long info incoming.
Carrion is a double launch Intamin with 4 inversions and a top speed of 65MPH. Set in a barren wasteland produced by Richtofens Grand Scheme, four new survivors are battling hoards of zombies when they come across a theme park located in a valley that has miraculously survived. Once they restore power and get rid of the zombies, it's time for a break on this beast of a coaster.
I would like to thank the following for their inspiration:
The staff at Treyarch Studios who work so hard on their acclaimed Zombies.
Kevin Sherwood for the song "Carrion" and his work with Brian Tuey on the Black Ops II Soundtrack.
Marci19177 for some environment elements.
Carrion will be available for download! Date is currently pending.
-The Daylight version will be available outside of coastercrazy.com (They don't allow multi-uploads) and is customizable. The normal version has massive amounts of unique trees and shrubs that would need to be removed by hand before switching the environments, in the daylight version, I've done all this for you so that you can change anything you want!
-As usual, the download includes high amounts of 3DS work, for lowe performance PC's I recommend removing them before riding. Should be noted that the Daylight Version runs far smoother than the normal one because all trees are removed and there is no fog.
Normal Download: http://coastercrazy.com/track_exchange/detail/19482
Daylight/Mac Compatible: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/67178604/Carrio ... atible.rar
The only difference between the downloads is the .rar includes an extra NL track file with no terrain, trees, or specific Environment...Both of them include all objects, etc.
As most of you know, all you need to do is merge the folders in the archive with the folders in the NL Directory.