Ill try to keep it to bullet points here...
Opened the park and these rides were not operating:
Ocean Motion (being installed still)
Blue Streak
Windseeker (delayed)
Top Thrill Dragster
Mine Ride
That left these rides open at 10AM (mind you...they let in Platinum Pass holders in @ 9)
Millenium Force
Wicked Twister
Iron Dragon
Paddlewheel Excursions
Mean Streak
Thats unacceptable. Weve had a lot of rain, but these rides are not made of sugar. They will not melt and with the exception of Dragster, the others WILL run in the rain.
Anyways, we waited for Maverick to open up and it did...1.5hrs later. There was no sense of urgency at all. Lazily transfered trains back and forth (Seemed to be a lot of confusion between ride ops...that or bad communication) and this was the theme for other rides as well. We were around the 6th train and after the 7th train went through and stopped behind us, the ride broke down again. They transfered a train off and apparently after a few more cycles, was back up.
We walked the park and this is where I took pictures because, well, when all those rides are down, your options become limited. A VERY DENSE fog had rolled into the area and I felt it was time to take advantage of the unique situation.
Pictures on my Flickr (alternate Flickr)
We also found that the thrill ride Octopus (or Monster to some) had suffered a massive failure or some sort of fluid. Engineers were trying to clean it up. It did reopen later. Also, Gemini's blue train had vallied at some point between the drop and first hill. So that wasn't running (red side did open up a lot later)
Dragster didn't even show signs of life till 1:40pm. That crew seemed to not care in the least that it was down. Not that they could do anything but I didn't see any urgency to prepare the ride or get people involved.
Around this time Pinks, the new eatery from the westcoast was set to open. We approached and saw it was blocked off. Not opening for 2-3 hours because of a malfunction. Wait, this is a restaurant...not a ride. Apparently during their VIP party the sprinkler system went haywire.
At this time I noted at least 3-4 upper management personnel, all of whom I've seen before and they looked none to happy.
Maxair was the only ride to not open at all that also wasn't still being built but it took all rides till sometime around 2 to achieve open status. Im going back today (Sunday) and hoping the results are better. If it were me, id have told the entire maintenance crew to go take naps/sleep during the evening because they'd be pulling an all nighter. This was, or has to be, one of the worst opening days they have suffered in a long time. I don't even want to hear weather was an issue. It was foggy but 65degrees F and not a drop of rain till almost 5. It then sprinkled for an hour and again was dry. So weather had nothing to do with it. Winds were also very calm, maybe 10mph max but averaged 5mph max there too.
Probably wont be photos tomorrow but never know.
Just to be fair, I give CP a lot of crap. But I hold them to a very high standard, a standard THEY put on themselves. Sure, the golden ticket awards are more or less rigged and a sham, but don't pat yourselves on the back and fail to deliver. I still go there and love many of the rides and enjoy my time there thoroughly. But Really sad. I've attended at least a decades worth of Opening Days so Im used to hiccups and burps along the ride. Today, was all out vomiting in terms of preparedness.
Heres a few teasers
Power Tower...where are you hiding at?

Happy Raptor riders

Raptor in the fog

Power Tower, seriously, the hiding isnt funny anymore

Even Dragster? WTF?

Last shot of Millenium Force riders