So we get on the bus around 6:00AM and head for the park. We got there around 9:30, so we had about a half hour before the park opened. This gave me time to mess around with my camera for a minute, while my friend went to the bathroom.

Well, they finally opened the gates, and we started walking towards TTD. We realized that everyone else was running behind us though, so we took off running also. When we got to TTD, we realized that there were already early entry people there waiting for it. We got in line, and waited for TTD to finish testing. We ended up waiting about a half hour for a great ride.

Then we walked back to Magnum....and found out it was closed....I was pretty mad, but we decided to go back to Maverick, which made it all better.

Next we went to Skyhawk and waited a few cycles. I managed to grab a seat in the farthest left seat.

We then decided to hit up Panda Express for some lunch. But then I noticed this along Frontier Trail...

OMG digging flags. No idea what for, but oh well.
Then we had to go check in, after that we got in line for Raptor. The line said an hour and 15 minutes, but my friend really wanted to ride it.

OH no, empty train!
Then rain hit, and Raptor went down. We decided to wait it out in line, and managed to go from about an hour wait to in the station while people left. I got bored, and started taking pics.

Silly seagull, track is for trains.

Everyone that was left.
The ride ops told us that other stuff was opening, while Raptor was going to be down a while, so we left and headed towards MF.
We were greeted by a 2 hour line, so we hopped over to Mantis to find a one hour line. We didn't want to wait for that, so we went to see if Magnum opened yet...nope...We finally broke down and rode Power Tower teal side as something to do. It was fun, but not too great.
Then we headed back to MF to find an hour wait. We waited for the front row, so it ended up being about an hour and a half. I was completely amazed. The whole ride felt so fast, and we actually got amazing floater air on all of the airtime hills. I will have to say that it was the best ride of my life.

Yay for Intamin.

My favorite picture of the day.
Next, we decided to head over to Mantis. The sign said 45 min, so we were content to wait that one out. A decent ride on Mantis, but what happened in the station was better than the actual ride. All of the ride-ops were amazed by my Banshee t-shirt, and they thought that it was just the coolest thing ever. It wasn't only the Mantis crew who noticed though. The Raptor and MF crews also thought my shirt was sweet.

We still needed to get Raptor in, so we scooted back to the front of the park. We waited an hour, and only had to wait one extra train for the front row. It was a lot smoother than last year, so we got a pretty nice ride out of it.
After Raptor, we had about an hour before we had to leave, so we went to check Disaster Transport so my friend could witness the failure of a ride that it is. DT was also closed, but we didn't really care. We just kept on walking by, and went to WT to find the usual 15 min wait. Rode it in the 2nd to back row.

We didn't know what to do with the next 30min, and then I saw Blue Streak. It was its usual walk on, so we hopped in the back row. All I can say is what happened. Blue Streak was insanely rough. I don't know if it was just because we did it back row or if the rain affected it, but it was rougher than any of my rides on Mean Streak.
After Blue Streak my friend grabbed a hot dog. We headed towards the Pagoda Gift Shop, and I grabbed a Mav key chain and a CP key chain for my sister. We were getting ready to leave, and then I saw Toft's Ice Cream Parlor. It sounded really good, so we went in. My peanut butter cup shake was great. Also, they had a sweet sign with a cow in sunglasses.

We turned around and opened the door to find a little was pouring outside. We ran out of the park trying not to get soaked. The rain was falling so hard that it actually hurt to run into it. We got onto the bus safely, changed into our sweatshirts, and started the ride home.
If you didn't read all of that, here are some quick notes:
Magnum+Disaster Transport=Closed
Wildcat=Open again
There are miss dig flags on Frontier Trail
Panda Express is good
Front row MF is amazing
Raptor doesn't run in rain
Thanks for reading!