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Cedar Point's treatment of fat people

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Cedar Point's treatment of fat people

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Post July 15th, 2011, 11:00 am

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I went last year with a 46 inch waist and the only 2 rides I really had to sqeeze into was Millenium Force and TTD. Now thanks to weightlifting and healty diet, I lost like 15lbs and wear a smaller size.

But enough about me, This is supposed to be a serious argument about wether or wether not CP or any other amusment park should me more accomadating to people of bigger size. Personally I don't think its fair to wait in line for 2h just to be ridiculed and kicked off, but they have to do it for saftey reasons. Like in 2007 or so on SROS in Darien Lake where some disabled man wasnt strapped in properly, fell off and died instantly. Or an accident closer to home, Adventurland in Farmingdale NY. They used to own a Mondial Top Scan, but it was taken out because some fat girl got on the ride and caused the entire seat to break and like, 4 people died. So in a way, CP and other parks have a right to be such anuses about seatbelts.

So what do you think, the fact the CP is not accomadating to larger people Justified or completley unnacepatable? (Coasterkidmwm PLEASE fight the temptation to open your mouth)

Post July 15th, 2011, 11:23 am

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okay...parks shouldn't have to do anything about this. If your to fat to ride a roller should probably take the hint and get up and do something about it...

Post July 15th, 2011, 11:24 am

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Pregnant people, people with heart problems, back problems, head and neck problems all should not ride coasters.

Why are obese guests different? In actual fact obese guests probably have those problems.

I think a park should be able to reserve the right to not modify restraints if they don't want to. After all, in the majority of cases obesity is a self inflicted disability. To avoid embarrassing situations the guest should try the test seat as pointed out.

Post July 15th, 2011, 11:29 am

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Sounds like you're doing the same thing you accuse others of...calling a person "some fat girl" isn't very nice, is it?

I rarely see anyone ridiculed for not fitting into a ride. Actually, I've ridden tons of rides many times, and I don't recall ever seeing that. I think people generally feel bad for them either having to wait in line and not ride, or because they're the center of attention.

Post July 15th, 2011, 12:15 pm

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They have test seats for a reason.....

and while the seat belts on the CP Intamins are insanely short (im a spread out 260 lbs and barely fit) most coasters are no problem at all. You can only blame yourself!

Post July 15th, 2011, 12:21 pm

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^^ ust like Dcs said ive seen obese people ride and squeeze into rides that they would normally not fit in. i was at kd there was a guy on shockwave that clearly couldnt fit but some how he managed. i didnt here or see any ridicule or anything like. except for the time at disney when they thought my mom as preggers but anyway yeah i dont think its because they are the center of attention they ( ride operator or guest or both) dont want to be the center of attention in the case of an outburst. oh well thats just my thought on it.
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Post July 15th, 2011, 12:23 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Do not expect sympathy for making 100's of people wait longer because you make poor choices and in addition ignored the test seat.
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Post July 15th, 2011, 12:38 pm
Oscar User avatar
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Originally posted by Coasterkidmwm

Do not expect sympathy for making 100's of people wait longer because you make poor choices and in addition ignored the test seat.

I rarely see a test seat. Only place I've seen one is on Nitro, Tatsu and Xcelerator.
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

Post July 15th, 2011, 12:46 pm

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B&M's have special seats for "bigger" riders, but if you have trouble sitting in an airline seat, then you will have just as much trouble riding a roller coaster.
Oh, were you expecting something here?

Post July 15th, 2011, 1:14 pm
RideWarriorNation User avatar
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Jakizle's right, I remember waiting in line for diamondback and an overweight mom could not ride, she was overweight. Neither could her daughter. It would have saved a lot of embarrassment if they used the test seat.

Post July 15th, 2011, 1:20 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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I constantly see little kids clamoring all over the test seats.
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Post July 15th, 2011, 1:21 pm

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Also remember that not all the time is this a park issue but a limitation that the manufacture has set. Either to control the maximum weight that the ride can run with or other reasons. If your to fat to ride then its your problem not the rides.

Post July 15th, 2011, 1:22 pm
thrillsentertainment Beta Tester
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I witnessed on the second to last ride on Maverick last year a guy getting into the seat, and couldn't get the restraint to lock, he had 4 ops trying to push the restraint down, so it wasn't like they weren't doing their best, but in the end he was too overweight to ride, and thus he couldn't. I felt bad for him, as a lot of the station was giggling and he just looked stricken with embarrassment, but do I think it was justifiable for the man's safety? Yes, I do.

Post July 15th, 2011, 1:45 pm

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Could have saved a lot of time if he tried the tester seat.
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Post July 15th, 2011, 1:49 pm

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Really Oscar? I see them everywhere lol. Even in a park you mentioned...I know El Toro, Kingda Ka, and Superman have one, and I think Bizarro does too. The Ride of Steel trio I know are notorious for having issues with riders of certain dimensions, and I know at least SFA has a test seat in the front. If I had to guess, I'd say there's a test seat in front of at least half of all major new rides, if not a higher percentage.

And by the way, that video: kinda a jerk move. Plus the guy needs to learn how to spell before talking about other people.

Post July 15th, 2011, 2:23 pm

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as a guy of the larger perswation i know some of this. yes i cannot get on air again but it sucks anyway however it has purswaided me to get more serious about losing weight which has been happening over the past 5 months and im now 2 stone lighter than i was in febuary.
test seats ive seen and tested myself have been quite abit out of the saftey zone as in either way to small to the point where you can get on the ride easy but not in the test seat or way to big where you can get into the seat but not the ride.
big boy seats in experience are 2 clicks bigger than standered seats and i dont see why each coaster when new shoudlent have at least 1 seat per car like this, it dosent cost the companys any more to produce and the restraint is the same thing. like the eurofighter seats ive never seen anyone be thrown off one as there systems are fantastic. the only coaster i have seen proplebe thrown off from are B&M coasters.

basically im giving some points from the other side of the page. alot of you will not see this because your all sticks
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Post July 15th, 2011, 2:50 pm

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I have no clue what you're talking about in much of that statement...particularly the last two "sentences." Was that a put down?

Post July 15th, 2011, 2:53 pm
RideWarriorNation User avatar
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Originally posted by dcs221

I have no clue what you're talking about in much of that statement...particularly the last two "sentences." Was that a put down?
He's calling us skinny, and himself fat.

Post July 15th, 2011, 3:00 pm

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Oh, I thought "the other side of the page" was a metaphor meaning us Americans on the other side of the ocean, and "sticks" may have been some sort of English putdown of American people lol.

Post July 15th, 2011, 3:15 pm

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I actually witnessed someone get kicked off firsthand, and it wasnt a coaster, It was the Revolution at Dorney. This guy had like a 60in waistline, do you really think he was gonna fit?! lol... OSTR flatrides should have test seats too.

Post July 15th, 2011, 3:20 pm
RideWarriorNation User avatar
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They do...or at least at kings island they do. I know Delirium has one.

Post July 15th, 2011, 5:17 pm

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Some of my friends that are overweight say that at Cedar Fair parks, seat belt lengths vary... on the same coaster. Like they could ride Shivering Timbers on the blue train, 9th row, and a few other spots, but that was it. They should at least be consistent. Another friend could fit in the Top Thrill Dragster test seat, but could only board certain rows due to seat belt length. That's a little unfair, isn't it?
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Post July 15th, 2011, 5:30 pm
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Post July 15th, 2011, 5:33 pm

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I used to barely fit on CP's coasters as well, at 270 lbs, and I really do feel bad for those who are unable to. IMO, it's really Intamin's fault for not adding in at least one oversize seat that an obese person could sit in. (B&M does this on their coasters.)

But with that said, I recently discovered that losing weight isn't all that difficult. And here's a hint: the problem isn't fat, it's your blood sugar. Just eat nothing but foods with a Glycemic index value below 40, and eat a protein-filled breakfast within an hour of waking up every morning, and you'll start dropping pounds immediately, even with no exercise. My girlfriend taught me about this, and she's lost 35 pounds in the last 4 months after a lifetime of being unable to lose weight. I started it about a month ago, and have already lost 15.

So in a way, the real problem is our modern diet. The government has been peddling lies about lowfat diets, and it's their fault that everyone started using high-fructose corn syrup, with a Glycemic value of 100, instead of real sugar which is only 65. There's a reason why diabetes, heart disease, and obesity suddenly shot up after the government began subsidizing it in the late 70's.

For the last 50 years, we've slowly been replacing fat with sugar, under the government's assertion that saturated fat was the devil, and look what it's done to us. No link has ever been found between fat intake and cholesterol levels, and likewise it has been proven that fat intake has nothing to do with body fat levels. We've been lied to, my friends, and thus this entire obesity epidemic is their fault. If we really want to solve this size issue, all we have to do is go back to eating real food: natural fats like lard and butter instead of all these processed vegetable oils, good protein from meat and nuts, low-sugar fruits, and vegetables. Not all of this sugary artificial processed crap that is killing us.

*steps down off of soapbox...*

Post July 15th, 2011, 6:27 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Originally posted by cjd

I used to barely fit on CP's coasters as well, at 270 lbs, and I really do feel bad for those who are unable to. IMO, it's really Intamin's fault for not adding in at least one oversize seat that an obese person could sit in. (B&M does this on their coasters.)

No it isn't Intamin's fault. They design their ride around the average adult. If you decide to eat like a love idiot and become "above average" it is entirely your own doing, then deal with the consequences.
Originally posted by cjd
So in a way, the real problem is our modern diet. The government has been peddling lies about lowfat diets, and it's their fault that everyone started using high-fructose corn syrup, with a Glycemic value of 100, instead of real sugar which is only 65. There's a reason why diabetes, heart disease, and obesity suddenly shot up after the government began subsidizing it in the late 70's.

Your christianity "education" (your degree isn't transferable to a real college is it?) is at it again. There is no government conspiracy. Ever had Kosher Coca Cola? It's made with real sugar cane. It takes better. It's better for you. Why don't they use sugar cane? COST OF PRODUCTION. I know this is difficult for you since you're all jesusy, but scientists don't sit around in a room, decide something, and then write a paper. YOU NEED TO GET DATA.
Originally posted by cjd
For the last 50 years, we've slowly been replacing fat with sugar, under the government's assertion that saturated fat was the devil, and look what it's done to us. No link has ever been found between fat intake and cholesterol levels, and likewise it has been proven that fat intake has nothing to do with body fat levels. We've been lied to, my friends, and thus this entire obesity epidemic is their fault.

No I'm pretty sure it's your fault and your fault alone. If energy in is less than energy out, you lose weight. You don't magically start eating different things and it goes away, unless you consider eating a carrot over a doughnut a diet because you're stupid. (Carrots have less calories than a doughnut, and calories a unit of energy).
Originally posted by cjd
If we really want to solve this size issue, all we have to do is go back to eating real food: natural fats like lard and butter instead of all these processed vegetable oils, good protein from meat and nuts, low-sugar fruits, and vegetables. Not all of this sugary artificial processed crap that is killing us.

Why are we suddenly scientific (well attempting to be, and poorly) when it applies to personal gain for yourself while you're actively in an anti-science education program? You don't know anything about science because you lock yourself in a denial box, and now it's suddenly your friend when it applies to you?

I bet you think 350 6ft tall person has a "slower" metabolism than a 135 pound skinny person don't you?

Also, what love idiot (you) randomly decides that something that is linked to a ton different ailments is a government lie and conspiracy? You are as bad as the climate change skeptics that sit around tell people who have been studying this kid of thing for 40 years that their life work means nothing, all while Captain Derp the skeptic is mystified as to why wind happens and doesn't know why the sky is blue. When you break your leg you go to a doctor (expert), you don't go to a tattoo artist.

I HATE this fat people special treatment crap. When I was last on an airplane some Hambeast's fat was oozing over the armrest into my seat. I deserve a refund for that portion of space I lost, and she smelled (probably never washed under her folds). Building her a "big boy" seat is ridiculous. You are fat because of your own poor decisions and inability to control your own diet and exercise habits. Your choices, your consequence, and your problem.

New Mods: People who think nutrition is a government conspiracy are stupid and then suggest people do something incredibly bad for them are stupid, and I'm calling him out for it, so deal with it and talk to me before you delete this.
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