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Cedar Point Storm Damage, Closed June 6th

Theme Park Construction And News Forum

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Earlier today, Cedar Point was hit by some strong storms that knocked down power lines on the Cedar Point Causeway. As a result, the park will be closed tomorrow, June 6th.

From the park's Facebook:
PARK UPDATE: As a result of the severe wind damage to power lines and poles on the Cedar Point Causeway, and the lack of adequate power to operate rides at full capacity, Cedar Point and Soak City will not open on Monday, June 6. Crews from Ohio Edison are working diligently to repair Causeway power lines as quickly as possible. We anticipate we will reopen on Tuesday, June 7.

You can view photos of the damage here: ... rm-damage/

Kinda funny that this happens almost exactly two years after the water main incident.

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Yet again? ;)
-- I was happy to be with NL1. --

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"500" perhaps by the end of this year.
I will be a Thai citizen if possible in a few years.

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Here's to hoping they don't riot like when the water main broke. Then again it was pretty hilarious sitting on the stairs watching the police pick the random slow kids out of the herd like lions.

"Careful man, there's a beverage here!"

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