I'm using the Nokia N95 8GB right now...
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It's a really cool phone and I've been using it for 2 years now without a single problem. Well, except for that one time, when I hacked it, and it was running a bit slow, but I fixed that.
It has pretty good battery life, awesome OS (only missing the FP2), amazing processing and graphic capabilitys and a poopload of RAM (for a 2 years old phone)...
But, next year, I'm SO getting one of these:
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The Nokia N900...
Sure it runs maemo, but from what I've heard, it's a really good OS... Will take some getting used to tho.
GavG: do you have the N95 8GB or just the classic N95 in black?
Also, I don't understand what's with Americans and Palm, LG or Blackberry phones... These phones all look pretty nice (altho some extremely plasticky), but functionvise they're pretty bad... Is it becouse they're cheap?
Also, I don't know what the big deal with the iPhone is... They're making a hype over every basic function, which most basic phones have had for ages... And except for the quite cool UI, they don't really offer ANYTHING new...