I guess this one is for the English peeps again, basically because I can't be arsed to exaplin to everyone else what chavs are
Yeah right, anyway. At the moment, the year 10's at my school are doing a German exchange, right now I know what you're thinking, "One of them was a chav I bet", well you're wrong, they were ALL CHAVS! Well all of the male ones are anyway, there is like 8 guys and 5 girls or something. Wtf is up with that though, I mean we all know how bad the chav problem is here but I cannot believe that it has spread to other countries ........ I guess it was only a metter of time though, I blame America, constantly imposing Americanisation onto every country in the world. Not that chavs are even slightly like Americans ..... actually thinking about it, they're all dumbasses, they all try to act harder than they are, the try to make themselves look bigger and better than they are ... actually you know what, come to think of it, I think America probably has a lot to answer for concerning the chav situation. Damn you all, Damn you all to hell!
Anyway, this all prompted me and my mates to start talking about chavs again, free periods are so boring, can you blame us? But yeah, one of my mates has recently been to Italy and he said that there was chavs there, WORSE than the chavs that are here. I didn't think that was possible, but aparently it is. Does anyone else think the chav situation is getting a little out of hand? Because I for one think it is. I mean, when I walk around in town now, it is impossible for me to be in town for more than 10 minutes without having some kind of abuse thrown at me by a chav. You have got to laugh at them, but at the same time, I think chavs are starting to outnumber us human beings!