/\The Video is fake??????????????????and the bullets are rubber bullets??????????????????and blood is ketchup
Well the United States is a Liberity country, but every year countless people deprived of their liberty
... Surely you are kidding? And yes, the US is a free country. I'm not sure which example you are using of people being deprived of their liberties, as there are many and each occurs under its own unique set of circumstances, But I'd say our greatest Liberty is the freedom of speech and of the press. I fail to see how you view this as a "political attack" especially when it is just an American college student voicing his opinion, and seeing as how you own us anyways, so we don't really pose that much of an actual threat. Any society in which ideas/opinions are suppressed as "attacks" (I am getting that term from the second thread you started titled "Political attack") and are not discussed frankly worries me, and I fail to see how the government in that country is doing an at all decent job at governing its people.
Boulder Dash was the only good roller coaster.
"or if you're when the hydraulic fluid was dumped out of the motor is goes 200ft up the tower and is like "LOL nope"" - CKMWM 2016