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Clifford (Inta-mini hyper)- Symbiotic

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Post February 11th, 2008, 10:11 pm

Posts: 845
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Location: Borgusheems, Malaysia

Just giving a little heads up on a new Mini-Inta ride ive been making for a month or so now. Colors will change (from the orange in the pics) to a maroony red color. Just some little teaser pics for now.

Layout is nearly finished.

Post February 11th, 2008, 10:17 pm

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Clifford the big red dog? Ha, The ride looks pretty cool so far, I be lovin' the last picture.

Post February 11th, 2008, 10:25 pm

Posts: 845
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Location: Borgusheems, Malaysia

Haha ya the big red dog. Dont be expecting some awesome clifford theming though. I am not good enough at 3ds at all to be able to pull that off. Just thought the name was pretty sweet for a coaster.

Post February 11th, 2008, 10:27 pm

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Post February 12th, 2008, 4:56 pm

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Location: Borgusheems, Malaysia

Its a sweet name and im sticking with it.. fits the ride well.

Layout done, some supports slowly going up. New pic posted too showing the colors and some supports.

Post February 12th, 2008, 5:18 pm

Posts: 881
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Location: Chicago, Illinois, USA

i like it [;)] except i think it should have more red in it... but thats just my opinion.

Post February 12th, 2008, 5:33 pm

Posts: 845
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Location: Borgusheems, Malaysia

^ haha man the name is really throwing people off. Its just a sweet name and I thought it was cool for the ride. It is in no way going to be themed or anything off the big red dog though. Just shares the same name, and a little big of red in the supports.

Post February 12th, 2008, 5:38 pm

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Post February 12th, 2008, 6:30 pm

Posts: 845
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Location: Borgusheems, Malaysia

Did you mean to link that to Flash Bomb? The colors are a little similar, but not the same at all.

Post February 12th, 2008, 6:33 pm

Posts: 6124
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Location: Minnesota, USA
No...I meant to link to Demeter. The colors are almost exactly the same.

Post February 13th, 2008, 7:54 am

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This ride looks to be good. I take it you are continuing with the FVDs Symbiotic?

Post February 13th, 2008, 9:31 am
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Ther are only so many colors, so there are bound to be repeats over time ya know.

Post February 13th, 2008, 11:56 am

Posts: 32
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Can you add "The Big Red Dog" on the end of the name?

Post February 13th, 2008, 3:23 pm

Posts: 845
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Location: Borgusheems, Malaysia

Some new pics up :

Alton: Ya im using fvds for this one.

Jbyrd: Nope, just Clifford.

Post February 14th, 2008, 3:44 am

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Location: Borgusheems, Malaysia

Candidate for the screenie - ( )

Some new pics posted too. This thing is pretty much done.

Post February 14th, 2008, 8:43 am

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Looks like a really fun ride Matt- I look forward to checking this one out!

Post February 16th, 2008, 1:38 pm

Posts: 845
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Location: Borgusheems, Malaysia

Alright, so it looks like ill be posting this next monday. All i have to do is figure out this annoying google sketch-up texture problem and then just tidy the ride up a litte. So ya, next monday for sure though.

Post February 18th, 2008, 4:50 pm

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Location: Borgusheems, Malaysia

Post February 19th, 2008, 1:12 pm

Posts: 845
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Location: Borgusheems, Malaysia

Would anyone else like to rate for me? Its at about 200 dls with 1 rating. Bummers.

Post February 19th, 2008, 2:32 pm

Posts: 881
Points on hand: 2,481.00 Points
Location: Chicago, Illinois, USA

ya, ill rate it right now! [;)]

EDIT: ok, rated it. check it out [:D]

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