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Cloverfield :: Movie Review

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Post January 22nd, 2008, 10:56 pm

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Never before has a movie kept me so panicked and terrifyed for so long and consistantly. And never before has a movie been so good that I wanted to write a review about it. But this movie stepped it up for me.

The entire movie is depicted from this man's camera as the event happens. Only shots from his camera are used. This makes for a great affect. As you watch, you begin to be drawn into the terror of the events that unfold. You know no more and no less than the characters on the screen. At points you forget that you are watching what was recorded on the video camera and feel as if you are running along side these people as something, whatever it is, is attacking Manhattan. The beggining is slow, but gives good story and background for the characters, and once the terror and panic kicks in, it never lets up. Never. The characters are constantly at a struggle and you never really know what is going to happen next. The movie leaves you at ends over and over, as to emphasize that the characters know nothing as well.

I can see where some may complain about the camera work as it is very shaky and can be disorienting at times. However, I feel this really adds to the terror of the film. When you're in the theater and can feel the ground shake as you hear the creature's footsteps, your vision becomes hard to focus and you balance yourself from the shaking, you begin to tremble as you forget you're watching a movie and feel that something is really coming for you.

The acting feels very real and was very well displayed. The directing made for the right affects, for those that enjoy to be captured literally in the movie. The story was believable as you were watching it. Even though the events were so absurd, you couldn't help but think they were happening in front of you at that very moment.
For me, this was one of the best made pictures I've ever seen. Very entertaining, frightening, and suspensful.

These are just my opinions of the movie and a short overview. What did you guys think? And do be as honest and critical as you please.

Post January 22nd, 2008, 11:08 pm

Posts: 418
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I liked it ok when the credits rolled.
I liked it better the next day after thinking about it a bit.
I liked it even more when I went to see it again.


Some things I want to know:

Why did the monster who attacked Hud look so much SMALLER than the one that attacked the helicopter? There were about 3 hours of time that passed while they were unconscious in the chopper crash, so there's no guarantee it was the same monster.

Were those smaller things parasites (like fleas), or were they young hanging onto mom like opossoms do?

BOY, the military seemed to get there in a hurry with tanks, missile launchers, etc... did they know something beforehand? Seriously, even in NYC, I don't expect them to get missile launchers to midtown within a half hour of the first monster sighting unless they were ready for it before it happened.

I've heard reports that at the end where you see Rob and Beth on the ferris wheel, you can see something black drop into the ocean in the background. I missed it. Anyone else see it? Any idea what it was?

After the credits roll, you hear a static-filled "It's still alive" (backwards)... who said it? Was it from the tape? Why was it recorded backward?

Did they nuke the city, or just bomb it and leave it when they initiated Hammer Down Protocol? If it was nuked, how did the tape survive?

Post January 22nd, 2008, 11:14 pm

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I am thinking the parasites are like its skin. As noted from the Sin Final Fantasy X monster "Sin".

Post January 22nd, 2008, 11:42 pm

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and another thing: Rob has a badass camcorder with unbelievable battery life, a tape AND an SD card, a light, and a night vision mode.... but it doesn't have some kind of anti-shake feature??? Where's the steadycam button???

Post January 22nd, 2008, 11:53 pm

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If you remember the guy holding the camera wasn't his camera so he didn't know all the buttons.

Post January 22nd, 2008, 11:55 pm

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OMG... I have a friend that I just got off the phone with... who had NEVER HEARD of this movie.

He has NO IDEA what it's about.

I'm taking him to see it tomorrow. This should be fun!

Post January 23rd, 2008, 12:18 am

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It was a silly movie. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either. It had it's obvious flaws~


~such as Beth not being seriously crippled after being impaled by a rebar for hours, and how Marlena was the only one bitten, and how the monster grew and shrank during different parts of the film, and how the entire bridge collapsed with only one point of damage, and how after 1000+ rockets and bullets the monster was fine (seriously, even with scales it would be at least damaged), and how the monster was a ripoff from GEARS OF WAR and it's babies a ripoff from HALF-LIFE 2 (sandlions anyone? same noises, same attacks, same shape), and how the little ones didn't get to them sooner (at any point), and how the military got there with the bridge blown out/tunnels infested/monster knocking stuff out of the sky, and where the hell did everyone else go?, and why was there no traffic?, and how did they get off? there can't be that many helicopters/ferries, and why did the monster just walk around aimlessly not destroying anything for hours (seriously, after about a day NYC would be GONE)...

...well, you get the point.

---end spoilers---

But that's what makes a good movie, right? It got us so involved that everyone suspended their beliefs so much that they didn't care about the 100+ loopholes the film had.

Post January 23rd, 2008, 12:20 am

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Post January 23rd, 2008, 12:51 am

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Of course you had to suspend disbelief... most everyone knew that going in. I mean... it's a monster movie.

What I thought was good about it was that even though it was totally boffo and people did stupid things and there were HUGE holes in the plot, it was still a good ride. I was totally entertained.

Post January 23rd, 2008, 8:09 am
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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I just watched the movie on a camcord vid. Since the movie is coming out tomorrow in our theaters [;)]
Anyways, After about watching about 15 min I continued scrolling to the first action scenes, so where actually something happened.
All i can say is, what a weird movie. Lot's of huge holes like everyone says. But it was cool to see the whole movie through a dude's perspective. Also WTF on the ending. At least I hoped to see a newsreport how it all ended... [lol]

If people want I can try to make some screenshots of the monster [;)]

Post January 23rd, 2008, 9:32 am

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Originally posted by minicoopertx

Of course you had to suspend disbelief... most everyone knew that going in. I mean... it's a monster movie.

What I thought was good about it was that even though it was totally boffo and people did stupid things and there were HUGE holes in the plot, it was still a good ride. I was totally entertained.

[lol] Yeah, I knew that going in. But I meant to say that since there was so many holes and so much silliness that I was surprised that after a while I wasn't thinking about how stupid it was. And usually avoid movies like this so I was pleasantly surprised.

Post January 23rd, 2008, 9:41 am
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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Originally posted by minicoopertx

I've heard reports that at the end where you see Rob and Beth on the ferris wheel, you can see something black drop into the ocean in the background. I missed it. Anyone else see it? Any idea what it was?

I checked it and i didn't see anything dropping in the ocean. Plus i've checked the dates, and the ferris wheel stuff is from a month earlier, so I doubt it shows anything about how the monster got there.

Post January 23rd, 2008, 1:56 pm

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I cant see how anyone liked this movie. The idea of what they were trying to do was great, but the movie just sucked. They made every scene stretch out so long and the end was just stupid. Although thats just my opinion.

Post January 23rd, 2008, 7:25 pm

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Worst movie I have seen in years. I actually asked the manager if I could get a refund. funny thing is, the manager told me I was not the first person to ask that question. Lots of hype, crappy production (can anyone say Blair Witch Project??). It stunk up the joint. I give it two more weeks and it is out of theaters.

Post January 23rd, 2008, 7:36 pm
dac User avatar

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Couldn't agree more TJ.....I hated the movie. I need that hour and one-half back....

Post January 23rd, 2008, 7:44 pm

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I just wish Mystery Science Theater 3000 was still around to riff this movie... probably be one of their bests.

Post January 23rd, 2008, 7:50 pm

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Mystery Science Theater! YESSSSSSSSSS!!!! They would OWN that flick!

Post January 23rd, 2008, 8:35 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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This was pretty horrible pissed away yesterday night seeing it. It was "The Hills Have Eyes" (modern remake) bad.

Post January 23rd, 2008, 10:01 pm

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Post January 24th, 2008, 1:38 am

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Originally posted by Dirk_Ermen

Originally posted by minicoopertx

I've heard reports that at the end where you see Rob and Beth on the ferris wheel, you can see something black drop into the ocean in the background. I missed it. Anyone else see it? Any idea what it was?

I checked it and i didn't see anything dropping in the ocean. Plus i've checked the dates, and the ferris wheel stuff is from a month earlier, so I doubt it shows anything about how the monster got there.

Just got back from taking my friend to see it (the one who didn't know what it was about... he liked it).
I checked at the end. In the shot FROM the ferris wheel of the beach and the ocean (before they turn the cam around and film themselves), keep your eyes to the right of the screen on the horizon, near the cruise ship. Something that looks like a satellite or other metal object falls from the sky and makes a big splash in the ocean. I can't believe I didn't see it before, it was pretty obvious. My friend saw it as well. He said "well, we know it was in the water for at least a month!"

Post January 24th, 2008, 2:14 am

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Post January 25th, 2008, 10:07 am

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i hated the movie [:(!] it sucked [:(]

if you want to see a really good movie, se I AM LEGEND!!! That movie was AWESOME!!!!! [;)]

Post January 25th, 2008, 11:06 am

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Originally posted by coasterking1993

I AM LEGEND!!! That movie was AWESOME!!!!! [;)]

The end and storyline was about as crap as Cloverfield's. The production however was a bit better

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