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Coaster Campout 2 at Cedar Point!

Theme Park Construction And News Forum

Post August 1st, 2015, 2:47 pm
TTD03 User avatar
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Cedar Point has done it already once this year, and they are doing it again! May I introduce you to Coaster Campout 2 at Cedar Point!

Cedar Point is following in the footsteps of the many other Cedar Fair parks doing a Coaster Campout as well.

But this time, there are a few changes. And if you've been following the lay of the land here at the park, this one will be significant. In the end, it's still a big deal. Because we're going to help our local Big Brothers Big Sisters Foundation here in Erie County.

First, what is the Coaster Campout? It's your opportunity to spend the night, tent camping INSIDE the amusement park. It all happens Saturday into Sunday, August 15 & 16. We'll feed you, give you some ERT and you'll enjoy camping in a (mysterious, for now) field.

This is where you'll be sleeping-ish:
CampoutArrow.jpg (291.97 KiB) Viewed 1031 times

We've done it this year back in May, and now's your chance to try it again. 100% of your campsite fee goes directly to Big Brothers Big Sisters. It's a good thing.
Visit the Coaster Campout page right now for all the details including the itinerary, and reserve your campsite today before they sell out!
See you there?

Credit to CP On-Point Blog for the information!

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