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CoasterCrazy European Meet 2017 - Germany - IMPORTANT INFO

Planning a theme park visit? Post it here to organize a theme park meet with other members of the site. You can't go wrong with taking another enthusiast with you!

Posts: 40
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Location: Germany
The Hamburg Summer DOM to be exact :D

And a Break Dance will be there I??m pretty sure.

mkingy User avatar

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Turbo User avatar

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I added you to the list :D And I'm absolutely down to go to the fair! That sounds like a lot of fun!
Coaster Count: 582 // Top Five: 1. Helix 2. Nemesis 3. Big Bad Wolf 4. Boulder Dash 5. Balder

Coasterkidmwm wrote:
4 G's to the taint was a bit much for me because I'm not a power bottom like Turbo

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Location: probably queuing for taron
Count me in for the fair!
Ok but how desperate you have to be to voluntarily fly from another country to go to Thorpe?

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JAMMY User avatar
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@thisisrandom: Added to the list! :)

As a reminder, sign-up for this trip closes this coming Tuesday, 20th June! All that are attending will receive PM's to confirm basic details! :)
Favourite Park 2016:Still LISEBERG (mmm... HELIX)
Favourite Ride 2016: Still HELIX (at night)

Steam: JAMMYD777

Posts: 4
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Location: Sweden
Late reply but things changed so I'm up for the entire road trip.

How is it looking with cars? Any avaliable space or should I be eyeballing a rental car?

JAMMY User avatar
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@dukelukeem: Great to hear! As for space with cars, I'll have a full list available in a few days once sign-up closes today and will let you know. :)
Favourite Park 2016:Still LISEBERG (mmm... HELIX)
Favourite Ride 2016: Still HELIX (at night)

Steam: JAMMYD777

JAMMY User avatar
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Everyone who is attending will shortly receive a private message asking for some basic details to confirm numbers and arrangement of any perks provided!

If you'd still like to attend the trip you are free to do so however due to the sign-up deadline, those signing up from now on will not be guaranteed participation in any perks provided! If you are going to join the group at a park, please contact me via PM and feel free to post in this topic. :)
Favourite Park 2016:Still LISEBERG (mmm... HELIX)
Favourite Ride 2016: Still HELIX (at night)

Steam: JAMMYD777

Posts: 5
Points on hand: 179.00 Points
Location: Usa

i think i should be able to make it to tripsdrill. it??s during vacation so i can take two days off

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Location: Usa

Edit: sorry for the double post, i din't see the first post bc i was on the wrong page

Coasternews User avatar
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I will most likely join you for a day at Heide Park.

Posts: 40
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Location: Germany
Speaking of Heide Park:

Ive organized two 2 for 1 coupons for it.
So If you someone of you didnt bought a ticket, that could be a chance to get it cheaper :)

JAMMY User avatar
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Please find below updated opening hours and important information regarding perks at certain parks!

Feel free to message myself if you would like to join the trip specific Facebook chat so that you may keep in contact with other members attending!

August 6-7 - EUROPA-PARK

Opening Times
08:30 - at least 20:00

JAMMY - James
Tom - Burbs
Connor - Connor_The_Colossus
Sam - slosprint
Alberto - afro85
Kjell - dukelukeem
Alexander - Olmisery (+1)
Pear - Paradox
Matt - mkingy

August 8 - Tripsdrill

Opening Times
09:00 - 18:00

Due to low attendance numbers, Tripsdrill unfortunately could not offer our group a tour or ERT session. We apologise for this. Please note that this park will be attended first on this day. After this is complete, the majority of the group will be travelling to Holiday Park for the second half of the day!

Connor - Connor_The_Colossus
Sam - slosprint
Alberto - afro85
Kjell - dukelukeem
Dirk - Dirk_Ermen
Alexander - Olmisery (+1)
Pear - Paradox
Matt - mkingy
Thomas - GeCoDe

August 8 - Holiday Park

Opening Times
10:00 - 18:00

Please note that this park will be attended second on this day. In the morning, the majority of the group will be attending Tripsdrill!

Lukas - Der LK 7531
Connor - Connor_The_Colossus
Sam - slosprint
Alberto - afro85
Kjell - dukelukeem
Dirk - Dirk_Ermen
Alexander - Olmisery (+1)
Pear - Paradox
Julius - jf Coasters
Matt - mkingy

August 9-10 - Phantasialand

Opening Times
09:00 - 20:00

Lukas - Der LK 7531
Oskar - thisisrandom (+1)
Connor - Connor_The_Colossus
Sam - slosprint
Herman - herman116
Martijn - postwagen
Dan - gouldy
Alberto - afro85
Kjell - dukelukeem
Alexander - Olmisery (+1)
Pear - Paradox
Julius - jf Coasters
Matt - mkingy
Silvain - Silvarret

August 11 - Movie Park Germany

Opening Times
10:00 - 20:00

Please can all attendees pre-book admission for this park and bring your e-ticket with you on the day!
Due to small group size we cannot offer an ERT session however we have managed to arrange for the CoasterCrazy group to enter at approximately 9:45 so that we may be the first ride of the day on the brand new Star Trek attraction. Due to this, please arrive by 9:30 at the latest with your pre-booked tickets ready for scanning!

Connor - Connor_The_Colossus
Sam - slosprint
Herman - herman116
Martijn - postwagen
Alberto - afro85
Kjell - dukelukeem
Alexander - Olmisery (+1)
Pear - Paradox
Matt - mkingy
Silvain - Silvarret

August 12 - Heide-Park

Opening Times
10:00 - 19:00

Connor - Connor_The_Colossus
Stefan - Omegon
Sam - slosprint
Herman - herman116
Martijn - postwagen
Alberto - afro85
Kjell - dukelukeem
Dirk - Dirk_Ermen
Alexander - Olmisery (+1)
Pear - Paradox
Matt - mkingy
Silvain - Silvarret
Roy - Coasternews

August 13 - Hansa Park

Opening Times
09:00 - 18:00
Rides open at 10:00

We are pleased to offer our attendees a reduced admission rate of ???20 per person excluding taxes,
payable on the day in cash. Therefore, please could attendees wishing to gain entrance at this price bring cash for this transaction! Furthermore, as a special treat, we have arranged for a tour of the park to commence at 9AM, ending with three consecutive rides on the newest roller coaster, K??RNAN, at 10AM before the ride opens to the public! Therefore, please arrive in due time ready to leave for the tour at 9AM!

Lukas - Der LK 7531
Connor - Connor_The_Colossus
Stefan - Omegon
Sam - slosprint
Herman - herman116
Martijn - postwagen
Alberto - afro85
Kjell - dukelukeem
Dirk - Dirk_Ermen
Alexander - Olmisery (+1)
Pear - Paradox
Matt - mkingy
Tillman - NitroLP
Silvain - Silvarret
Favourite Park 2016:Still LISEBERG (mmm... HELIX)
Favourite Ride 2016: Still HELIX (at night)

Steam: JAMMYD777

mkingy User avatar

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Paradox User avatar

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2 more weeks!
Coasterkidmwm wrote:
gouldy wrote:
Just don't employ stupid people and you're golden.

That's like finding a Waffle House with no white trash in it.

Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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All sounds great! Too bad Tripsdrill the tour from Tripsdrill isn't working out. Due that I might just drop the park in general and meet you guys at Holiday Park. Would save me about 1,5 hour extra driving time and petrol. (I've seen tours happening at Tripsdrill on smaller groups though? Are you sure it was due the low amount of attendees and not because of the high number? :lol: )

Also, It's hard to find this info back in the chat but whereabouts are people staying between Heide Park and Hansa Park? Might be fun to be in the same hotel with the majority of the group. Personally I hope somewhere near Hansa Park. Saves the drive in the morning. :)
Coastercount: 1410 (I've seen the world and it's horrid contraptions... @.@)
- Wood: 142
- Steel: 1268

mkingy User avatar

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Me, Pear and Slosprint are staying near Hamburg Airport
Coaster Count - 198
France 2019 Mini Trip Report

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Location: California, USA
Alberto and I are at this place for the nights of the 11th and 12th. But it's a lot closer to Heide than Hansa.

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Location: Frankfurt / Main, HE, Germany
Awesome thing with the ERT on K??rnan! :D

But: are you sure that the 20??? admission to for Hansapark excludes taxes?
Usually, the taxes ("Mehrwertsteuer" or abreviation "MwSt" which are 19%) are allready included in offers of any kind here.

How about opening a WhattsApp Group for the Trip?


I??m going to bring my own tent and just camp somewhere near there; most budget-friendly option for me. :D

herman116 User avatar
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JAMMY wrote:
Please can all attendees pre-book admission for this park and bring your e-ticket with you on the day!
Due to small group size we cannot offer an ERT session however we have managed to arrange for the CoasterCrazy group to enter at approximately 9:45 so that we may be the first ride of the day on the brand new Star Trek attraction. Due to this, please arrive by 9:30 at the latest with your pre-booked tickets ready for scanning!

I've got an Efteling season pass and Postwagen (Martijn) who's riding with me has a Slagharen season Pass. With the Efteling pass it's 50% off on a ticket and with an Slagharen pass the entry is free (although you probably have to show your season pass at a counter). So for us it would save a lot of money to enter the park 15 minutes later. Is it okay with you guys if we enter the park at the normal time and meet each other a bit later at the park?

JAMMY User avatar
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@Der LK 7531: My mistake, yes, including taxes sorry! I'll update now! :)

Also yes, if people message me their name and phone number I will add them to a WhatsApp group for the trip! :)

@herman116: That's absolutely fine if you'd rather enter later! :) The group will certainly meet up later in the day!
Favourite Park 2016:Still LISEBERG (mmm... HELIX)
Favourite Ride 2016: Still HELIX (at night)

Steam: JAMMYD777

Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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I might as well drop some info that hasn't been posted yet, but was mentioned a little in the groupchat.
Toverland midsummer eve
On Wednesday the 9th Toverland is open until 11pm. As people are visiting Phantasialand 2 days. I've heard plans of some willing people leaving early at Phantasialand and visiting Toverland. I'm not sure who exactly all is coming and going. But I'll be there too as it's close by my workplace.

Cranger Kirmes @ Herne
During the visit over here, there is a fairground going on in Herne. It's (as I recall) the 2nd largest fairground in Germany (in number of stalls) and it has it's big star. The Olympia Looping over there, as well as the spinning racer and plenty of other awesome rides. If anyone needs directions: ... 782,16.25z
When driving on the 42, take the exit of Herne-Crange, Exit no. 20. Then just follow the parking signs and follow the crowds to the fair. (Or take the shuttle for a small fee) This would be the easiest way on getting to the fairground as there are a ton of roads around the fairground blocked off for common traffic.

I've heard there are plans on visiting Friday after Moviepark Germany. As that's the park the closest by the fairground. According to the website the fairground will be open until 2am that day. So plenty of time to ride many awesome things. I don't know when you guys will arrive. But since I'll be there the next day in Heide Park. I'm coming to the fairground too. :) (I'll just sleep a few hours in the car :lol: )
Coastercount: 1410 (I've seen the world and it's horrid contraptions... @.@)
- Wood: 142
- Steel: 1268

Posts: 579
Points on hand: 5,955.00 Points
Location: probably queuing for taron
As I unfortunately suspected, school has snuck up on me, and I won't be able to attend any portion of the trip. I'm seriously sorry and also really sad/PO'd, but I'm grateful that I at least made it out to Phantasialand this year. I hope you all enjoy your time at the trip and make sure to keep us updated. Thanks so much guys, I do apologize, deeply. Have fun!
Ok but how desperate you have to be to voluntarily fly from another country to go to Thorpe?


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