I have noticed that with the exception of some woodies it is hard to find new and compact coasters. It seems as of most want to make them higher, or faster, or longer instead of making some great and insane tight rides.
Personally I am tired of Hypers because after the drop and first turn they are usually so smooth and uneventful they get boring. I would like to ask some of you to try and build some intense, tight, weaving in and out of itself style coasters. I am in the process of creating 7 of them at this time but will be a while before I am finished.
The added features of No Limits makes it an awesome simulator but I would like to ask you again instead of worrying about making the perfect 3DS models, the perfect terrain, or the perfect skybox try to create a truly original ride. Truly original is what seems to be missing in our plethora of creations.