your link isn't working, I must go on website, it's the alternative site for newgrounds that i couldn't remember the url to, there be lot less porno, and I minor like me isn't suppose to see porno.
Are you saying that ebaumsworld has porno, no it doesn't. If the site is being blocked because of it, its wrong, there may be a game that has some ties to porno, but the site is all around good and clean, it has funny vids, funny pics, illusions, magic, and much more. Anyone who can check this site out, you will enjoy it.
no, I say it has the stuff that New Grounds has, without the porno. , Now I don't have to deleat my cookies and erase history. My friend showed me the site once and I couldn't remember the name, and i haven't talked to him since he showed me it.
as my buisness studies teacher once told me 'Going onto a site with 'porn' in circumstances cannot be helped, as when you click a link you dont know where it will take you' This means throughout my buisness class, i always keep clicking these links by accident...
A lot of spamming happend in the I Saw the passion today forum, it turned into a religious issue. It was kind of weird because like 40 people posted stuff not related to the subjuct. Its ok if goes off topic for a bit, not long time where 40 people post though. Know what im saying?