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Corkscrew of Doom!! (prefab)

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Post November 23rd, 2005, 8:44 pm

Posts: 332
Points on hand: 5,058.00 Points
For years, SMers have battled against the pumping of corkscrew elements, and now, for the first time, a Corkscrew with VERY minimal pumping has arrived!!

(copy and paste into browser) of Doom.smprefab

This corkscrew seems to work well with every type of coaster, except Arrow loopers, as the pumping is evident. This prefab is VERY helpful for B&M type coasters ^_^. Here's a little demo park showing the prefab. (just fyi, the intamin red track coaster was what inspired me to do this, so if you enjoy the prefab, thank the little red intamin!!)

Corkscrew Park:

(copy and paste) Park.smpark

Enjoy!!! [:D]

Post November 23rd, 2005, 10:52 pm

Posts: 333
Points on hand: 3,231.00 Points
Location: Stockton, CA, USA

Stupendously smooth! I really like the flow at the top and I can't believe a cork can really be done. I guess it just takes hard work. Well congrats although I'm sure I won't be using it though. I'm not much of a prefab user so I make my own tracks. I like everything to be done by me or it doesn't feel like I did it if you know what I mean but good job!

Post November 23rd, 2005, 10:56 pm

Posts: 332
Points on hand: 5,058.00 Points
Glad you liked it!! I got really excited when i rode it lol! And I do know what you mean about your own track, I'm like that too, use as little prefabs as possible, I like the feeling of putting it together myself, not using prefabs for everything and just sticking thigns teogether at random. It's definitely the way to go. Oh man, I sense a new Beemer Invert in the future for me though, I've never really stuck corks on mine ebcause they kinda ruined the ride for me, but hopefully this'll change that! w00t!

Post November 23rd, 2005, 11:26 pm

Posts: 333
Points on hand: 3,231.00 Points
Location: Stockton, CA, USA

Well good luck with that! I'm looking forward to it!

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