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Could Dragon Challenge be on the way out?

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Post October 31st, 2016, 9:39 pm

Posts: 387
Points on hand: 6,689.00 Points
Location: Xenia , Ohio
Could one of the icons from Universal's Islands of Adventures be on its way out the door for a new attraction/hotel/or whatever. Could it be refurbished like Hulk?

Screamscape weighs in
Remember back when we first learned that Hulk was going to be torn down and rebuilt, we learned soon after that once Hulk was done there was a good chance that the two Dueling Dragons / Dragon Challenge inverted coasters would likely be next. Well..... about that... according to the latest rumors... that may no longer be the case.
Like Hulk, it seems Universal has determined that the world famous dueling inverted coasters will soon reach the end of their projected lifespan. Unlike Hulk however, it seems that they may have changed their mind about just what to do about it. Several courses of action were apparently considered beyond just rebuilding exact copies of the Fire and Ice dragon layouts... including the idea of altering the new layout to be merged into one seriously extended length coaster, as well as scrapping the entire ride concept in order to reuse the large footprint it sits on to build other new concept attractions going forward.
While I am hoping to god that my sources are wrong on this one, the story being leaked says that before too long Universal Orlando may simply opt for the later option, and retire the Dragons forever and build another unknown new Harry Potter themed attraction instead. In short, I would find that option to be devastating, as the old Dueling Dragons coasters have a very special place not only in my heart, but I also believe them to be world famous icons of Islands of Adventure itself, just as much as Incredible Hulk and the park's iconic lighthouse out front. Removing the Dragons would be such a shame... as it would drop the number of major coasters in the park from 3 down to just 1.
So with that in mind, as you visit the park going forward, do take the time to get plenty of rides in on the old Fire and Ice dragons, and maybe drop by guest services to fill out a comment card about just how much you also enjoy them if you too would like to see them remain in the park's lineup. Plus there is plenty of room to add a new attraction to the Potter lineup right where Poseidon's Fury is sitting, or even where the Eighth Voyage of Sinbad show arena is instead.

As much as i would hate to see a coaster go (i have never rode this keep in mind), i honestly hope the ride is refurbished with new track, Banshee style trains, and returns to its dueling state. Dueling may not happen because the GP is stupid in some situations. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what's in store.
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Post November 1st, 2016, 1:46 am

Posts: 8144
Points on hand: 13,506.00 Points
^ I think that, in a theme park category, a lot of GPs are (still) failing to tell the construction progress and the renovation of the ride apart...

Let's hope like "Dragon Challenge" will be saved! :)
-- I was happy to be with NL1. --

Personal coaster count as of 3/2025 -- 222
"500" perhaps by the end of this year.
I will be a Thai citizen if possible in a few years.

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