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CP Coaster Construction Dates

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Post September 6th, 2004, 8:11 pm
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
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This aint much, but I compiled a list of all the coasters at CP and the year they were built:

1964-Blue Streak
1969-Cedar Creek Mine Ride
1979-Jr. Gemini
1985-Disaster Transport
1987-Iron Dragon
1989-Magnum XL-200
1991-Mean Streak
1999-Woodstock?????????s Express
2000-Millenium Force
2002-Wicked Twister
2003-Top Thrill Dragster

Post September 6th, 2004, 8:12 pm

Posts: 1536
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Location: Etobicoke(Toronto), Is Ontario a state?, Canada

Post September 6th, 2004, 8:15 pm

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I wonder what's next, after they open castaway bay.

Post September 6th, 2004, 10:28 pm
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
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top that PCW

I wonder what's next, after they open castaway bay.

its rumored a B&M floorless or flyer which would be nice, as long as its high, but you can count on that, cause CP always likes to break records. Personally I would like a more air time filled intamin like a SROS on steriods. Or they could change the ending layout of MF, which could use more air!
I dunno, either way I am sure they will please us!

Post September 7th, 2004, 12:03 am

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Location: New Concord, OH, USA

Rumor among my fellow CP employees is that one of the water rides and the car ride on the frontier trail are coming out, and a B&M flier will take their place. This is just a rumor, but several of the rumorees work in park operations. Oh, and by the way, Disaster Transport was built in 1990.

Post September 7th, 2004, 9:18 am

Posts: 5852
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

1985 is when the original outdoor ride was built, then between 1989-1990 it was made into an indoor ride with light effects and such.
Take a look at these pics:
pre 1989:
after 1990:

Post September 7th, 2004, 10:03 am
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
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Post September 7th, 2004, 10:37 am

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no, before it was renovated into the indoor ride it was called 'Avalanche Run'

Post September 7th, 2004, 10:41 am

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YEa the ride itself didnt change, just its surroundings.

I hope its not a flyer. Flyers suck. Low capacity, crappy loading times. I vote floorless all the way. They have uptime as much as Raptor, fast loading, efficient and alot of fun. They will have to do something amazing for a flyer to actually be taken to the limits.

Ive heard elsewhere that Kinzel isnt too keen on flyers as well.

Post September 7th, 2004, 10:54 am
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
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Kinzel? Park Owner? Anway how are flyers loading time slow? They could run two stations one for loading, and one for unloading, and dual stations on both, that way the efficency would be high, they could run like 5 trains.

Post September 7th, 2004, 11:11 am

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Six FLags Over Georgia uses a dual loading station and the capacity isnt any better than the single stations. Theoretically its supposed too, but I have heard otherwise from how they are run.

BTW Richard Kinzel is the CEO and Chairman of Cedar Fair, he controls ALL.

A dual station setup that had 2 load and 2 unload bays would be a huge waste of space as well. You do realize that would be 2 of Raptors stations stuck together side by side? It still wouldnt help the loading times much. You can only load as fast as you dispatch and as fast as the trains make it from block to block.

Post September 7th, 2004, 11:15 am

Posts: 5852
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I hope for their next coaster they don't focus on breaking any records, just focus on making the most kickass ride out there.

Post September 7th, 2004, 11:17 am
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
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Originally posted by Fornication Nation

I hope for their next coaster they don't focus on breaking any records, just focus on making the most kickass ride out there.

Agreed! [:D]

Post September 7th, 2004, 11:36 am

Posts: 5286
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Location: USA
And thats why I say to go away from flyers. Theres not many flyers out there, so chances are, its a good option for records.

But IMO you could make a much better floorless or something else. Just look at Hydra, theres layouts on the net, its going to be freakin amazing.

Post September 7th, 2004, 12:26 pm

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Post September 7th, 2004, 12:29 pm

Posts: 3370
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Location: New Concord, OH, USA

CP is limited as far as ride layouts go, because of lack of space and lack of terrain. They are forced to make their coasters the tallest and fastest to distinguish them, while Hydra is cool because it dangles over a hillside. I'm sure whatever CP builds, it will break records and be the best of its type. Oh, and a direct quote from Dick Kinzel at CoasterMania last year when asked about future coasters... "We have some pretty exciting things planned in the next few years, so keep your eyes open."

Post September 7th, 2004, 1:08 pm

Posts: 5852
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Originally posted by Real

And thats why I say to go away from flyers. Theres not many flyers out there, so chances are, its a good option for records.

But IMO you could make a much better floorless or something else. Just look at Hydra, theres layouts on the net, its going to be freakin amazing.

Yeah thats pretty much what I meant.
I don't really want to see another record breaking ride like TTD because in all honesty, it looks like a pretty boring ride if you were to ride it over and over. A good ride needs to lots of different elements in it, not just an up and down element. Amd of the designers don't have to think about breaking any records they would be free to make the ride much better instead of just trying to get the hieght, speed, etc. factor.

Post September 7th, 2004, 1:54 pm

Posts: 5286
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Cedar Point has more room than you think. I have a massive overhead layout (aerial shot from space zoomed in) that shows more than enough space. The room TTD took up was very tiny, and rightfully so because they got what they wanted and they also saved space for the future. EVen with some of the existing flats there is room.

Have you guys seem what Indiana Beach or Hersheypark has done? just build over it all!

Post September 7th, 2004, 3:15 pm

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yeah, even walking through cp, you can tell that they still have tons of room for lots more coasters. i'd imagine that they can fit in at least another 2-4 200+ foot coasters, aswell as lots of other smaller rides.

Post September 7th, 2004, 3:43 pm

Posts: 1536
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Location: Etobicoke(Toronto), Is Ontario a state?, Canada

i don't want them to get more roller coasters, only if they have too. i don't like where every ride is all cramped up and on top of other rides, i like when there all spaced out. but i like flyers more, so thats cool.

Post September 7th, 2004, 4:54 pm

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I think they should add another launched rider. They don't have many of those... An Intamin rocket would be cool. But then, there would be too many intamins. [lol] So I guess a floorless would be cool. Forget flyers if they have slow dispatching times.

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