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CP to soon loose record breaking height title

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Post September 23rd, 2004, 8:16 pm

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Too fast to big to believe...Too high to scream...

Well, that's some good news for SFGadv. It looks like that CP will be loosing the title for having the tallest coaster because they'll be recieving a new record breaker! There will be a press release of what exactly it is this coming wednesday. More info can be found at
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Post September 23rd, 2004, 9:11 pm

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Yeh it sounds interesting, however I hope that it isn't just a taller TTD. That would be a shame.

Post September 24th, 2004, 12:02 am

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supposedly the footers are arranged differently, so there may be one or two other elements.

Post September 24th, 2004, 12:19 am

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It would be sweet if it had a similar layout to xcellerator, supersized to beyond TTD's height.
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Post September 24th, 2004, 1:58 am
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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how about a double tower? could also be nice[:)]
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Post September 24th, 2004, 4:25 pm

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Post September 24th, 2004, 4:36 pm

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lol, overly defensive CP fanboy?
Noone said anything about cp being worse. Thats one thing I hate about "enthusiasts", just be happy a new coaster of that size gets build and stop complaining.
(FYI, i like CP better too)

Post September 24th, 2004, 4:46 pm

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I already know it will just be a taller TTD. I've ssen the pics of the footers.

Post September 24th, 2004, 6:11 pm

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I hope the ride doesn't beat dragster or it is just to tall and sickening so it will have to be torn down. I dont like it that cp is losing their record. You never know they may not. But I'm pretty sure there will be a million of recreations of it.

Post September 24th, 2004, 6:52 pm

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Well, an unofficial "media day" already happened, and they pretty much confirmed it will beat TTD by a long shot (though they cannot give exact stats at this time, i'm assuming due to the NDA)

nannerdw, where did you see those pics? the only pics of footers i've seena re for the launch-track, which is obviously similar to TTD.

Post September 24th, 2004, 6:54 pm
gouldy User avatar
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Originally posted by G-Force

I hope the ride doesn't beat dragster or it is just to tall and sickening so it will have to be torn down.

excuse me, what?

So you like limits? I for one don't like limits and am happy in the fact that there will always be higher and faster rides to be built. TTD was the first (full circuit) to go through the 400ft barrier, its down in history now so move on, its a crap ride anyway.

Post September 24th, 2004, 7:10 pm

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Of course, Cedar Point has to continue its fine tradition of never holding any height record for more than 2 years (excluding Wicked Twister, because it has actually kept the record as the tallest impulse coaster. if you want to call it a record...) Take a look at this breif history.

1978 Gemini - 1 year (beaten by The Beast in 1979)
1989 Magnum XL 200 - 2 years (beaten by The Steel phantom in 1991)
1991 Mean Streak - 1 year (beaten by The Rattler in 1992)
1994 Raptor - 2 years (beaten by Montu in 1996)
1996 Mantis - 2 years (beaten by Riddler's Revenge in 1998)
2000 Millennium Force - 3 months (beaten by Steel Dragon 2000 in August 2000)
2003 Top Thrill Dragster - 2 years (beaten by ? in 2005)

Interesting, ain't it?

Post September 24th, 2004, 9:08 pm

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Cedar Point will beat Great Adventure for a week, then the record will be taken to Japan. lol. I dont like Six Flags, I dunno why, maybe it's just because there billions in the hole and they make 3 or 4 really big parks (Magic Mountain, Great America, Great Adventure etc.) And skimp on others like Great Escape,(3/4 of there rides are relocated just like Astroworld). Maybe that's why I dont like Six Flags. Anhueser Busch and Paramount kip the sh*t outta them! Cedar Point is so much better. But this ride will be better than Dragster, Dragsters colors are really ugly, but this new one's colors are so bright and brilliant. I wish I could ride it. I know this girl who lived in New Jersey and still goes to Great Adventure every summer. She's scared of coasters, even Batman scares her, the only thing she rides is the mine trains.

Post September 24th, 2004, 10:36 pm
Kev True Addicts
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Originally posted by G-Force

I dont like Six Flags, blah, blah, blah

I guess it boils down to this: Are you a coaster enthusiast or a park enthusiast? So long as you get to ride cool coasters, who gives a sh*t how much the park is in debt?

Post September 24th, 2004, 11:05 pm

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Yea, I agree with you Kev on that. And I unfortunately cant remember the link, but at one site that is reliable(not coasterforce etc) it is claimed to be 450 feet tall and themed to the jungle. Ill post the link once I find it.

Post September 24th, 2004, 11:07 pm

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Exactly...I don't go to a park cuz of what park company owns it, but for the rides that they have.
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Post September 25th, 2004, 11:15 am

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I guess you're right. But I'd rather go to a great clean park with coasters than an unsafe park with coasters like Six Flags. They've had there fair share of accidents

Post September 26th, 2004, 1:30 am

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Six Flags has unsafe coasters? What accidents havent been the fault of the user?

Yea, Im waiting for an answer there. Cedar Fair has had its own accidents too, but like most all coaster related injuries, probably 99% of them are user related.

As far at this ride...if it pretty much is another record breaker, it better be 500+ because anything less is going to be pretty much the same feel...even though I dont even think from 420 to 500 Ill feel any higher or any more extreme. TTD is already pushin the sensesory limit pretty far but I dont think you can do much more.

And also, I will be more than amazed if they can keep it running half as well as TTD in this new rides first 2 years. Unless Intamin has overhauled the entire launch and the wheels on the trains (The 2 major things that wear out faster and overheat on Dragster) its just going to be a larger, taller, faster but also more unreliable dragster. Has nothing to do with SF either (Though their record with keeping rides open isnt as good as CF) but it has everything to do with Intamin.

We shall see...the footers dont look to be too much larger than CP's and IMO they put them in kinda late considering that CP gave their footers 5 months to cure before they put the supports on em. Hopefully SF isnt rushing construction.

Post September 29th, 2004, 3:02 pm

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They named it today, and it is a taller TTD with the twist first and a hill.

Post September 29th, 2004, 3:03 pm
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
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There is no way it can be shorter than TTD but taller and have a hill if thats what your saying.

Post September 29th, 2004, 3:19 pm

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you also have to remember it sounds like there will only be one station with the double track switcheroo type deal
**Edit** nvm, it is longer by 318 feet. ... media.html
For Immediate Release
September 29, 2004
LOCATION: Six Flags Great Adventure, Jackson, N.J.
?????????The Golden Kingdom????????? section
DESCRIPTION: As the tallest and fastest roller coaster on earth, Kingda Ka will join Six
Flags Great Adventure?????????s world-renowned coaster collection. This jawdropping
experience will launch riders 456 feet into the air at 128 mph.
OPENING DATE: Spring 2005
TYPE OF COASTER: Hydraulic launch coaster
STACKING UP TO Nitro: 230 feet, 80 mph
ITS SIBLINGS: Great American Scream Machine: 173 feet, 68 mph
Medusa: 143 feet, 55 mph
RIDE FEATURES: A hydraulic launch rockets riders horizontally from 0 to 128 mph in 3.5
seconds, then vertically 90 degrees into a quarter turn. Riders crest the
coaster?????????s tower an exhilarating 458 feet from the ground, then plunge
vertically into a 270-degree (three-quarter) spiral.
The train will swoop down a valley and climb a 129-foot second hill,
leaving guests feeling weightless before making a left turn back into the
STATION DESIGN: Dual-loading station with switch track allows four trains to load and
unload simultaneously on two tracks.
- more -
Kingda Ka Fact Sheet/Page 2
TRACK LENGTH: 3,118 feet
LENGTH OF THE RIDE: 50.6 seconds
SAFETY SYSTEMS: Redundant safety system. Shoulder harness contains two locking devices
????????? hydraulic cylinders and ?????????check strap????????? that fastens into the shoulder
Dispatch Inhibit System ensures passengers are secured before
CAPICITY ?????????
# # #
SIX FLAGS and all related indicia are trademarks of Six Flags Theme Parks Inc. ????????? & #63721; 2004

from the pdf factsheet @ ... tsheet.pdf

Post September 30th, 2004, 8:04 pm

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Post October 1st, 2004, 5:31 pm

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How can Six Flags pay for this when they are billions in debt? I hope BGT's new ride will have some pizzaz.

Post October 2nd, 2004, 4:13 am
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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how can pay sf this? They just sold allmost all parks in europe and then they want to build a giga thing now. I guess they weren't in red, they just wanted to collect money by selling european park to get this thing builded!
If that was the reason, ohhh, i'm getting angry @ them [:(!]

Post October 2nd, 2004, 8:24 am
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
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SF should just keep their parks in America, its too hard to control a world of parks.


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