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Designers Elite Final Round

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Post September 20th, 2004, 3:44 am

Posts: 947
Points on hand: 3,039.00 Points

For the final round of the Designers Elite contest we will be re-hosting one of our previous contests. Some or you may know it but nobody in this contest submitted for the last one. The contest proved to be pretty hard so that is why this is the perfect template for the designers elite. So, here we go:

Two days ago we received the following letter from CCH (Custom Coasters Holland)

(click to enlarge)

So that's the news, we are asking you to design a coaster to be built in the bio dome. The bio dome has 3 domes connected by tunnels as you can see below. The track should start in dome 1, we already placed the first vertex there, you can move it around as long as you keep it inside dome 1. How you use the rest of the domes is up to you. Probably the most logical would be to fit most of the track in dome 2 and some little stuff in tunnels or dome 3. Anyway let your creativity decide that [:p]


These are the rules listed:

  • Track style must be corkscrew or one of the new trackstyles in update 1.5 (Lim launched, Face to Face, Impulse, Motorbike)

  • Track must start in dome 1.

  • Your track must be inside the domes/tunnels built in the template.

  • You are allowed to remove the concrete floor.

  • You can only use one lift OR launch.

  • When making a dueling track you can use 2 lifts or launches or 1 lift and 1 launch.

  • The track must be able to operate smoothly with 3 trains with 6 or more coaches each.

  • No ride length limits (but keep it realistic)

  • G Forces should never turn red; you?????????ll get extra points for keeping them always green.
  • Most points will be awarded for good trackwork

  • You are not allowed to attach your track?????????s supports to the dome?????????s supports; however you can attach theming to it as long as it's not too heavy.

  • Shuttle coasters are not allowed.

  • We will give points for: layout, smoothness, E-stop, clearance envelope (tunnel test), 3ds theming, cartextures, environments, supports, coaster type, building technique, adrenaline, difficulty, custom supports, G forces, capacity, timings and last but not least originality. (Most points will be awarded for trackwork and supports. Additional theming like 3ds, cartextures etc. will be granted with a small amount of points.)

  • Station building must be in dome 1, or directly placed after the first vertex.
    So you are allowed to go in one of dome 1's tunnels but the station must start in dome 1.

  • Finished tracks must be send to

  • Deadline: Monday, first of November (11-1-04) 23:59 GMT (= 18:59 EST)

Download the template here:
(Special thanks for Hansixx for making the 3ds objects)

1: -1- -10/31/04- gouldy
2: -0- -00/00/00- coasteragent99
3: -0- -00/00/00- Buster
4: -0- -00/00/00- Bino Maus
5: -0- -00/00/00- Dirk Ermen
6: -0- -00/00/00- MF2001
7: -0- -00/00/00- Tyler
8: -1- -11/01/04- e-man
9: -1- -11/01/04- unfortunate_smiley
10: -1- -11/02/04- s.kko
11: -0- -00/00/00- MFkiDD30
12: -0- -00/00/00- coaster992001
13: -0- -00/00/00- Gump
14: -0- -00/00/00- Stealthy
15: -0- -00/00/00- Legolas
16: -0- -00/00/00- kurtis

(You cannot join this contest anymore, these members have qualified to participate in a qualification round.)

Green: Track recieved
Red: The person dropped out
Orange: Problem with file
White: Waiting for track
First column: number of entries/updates I recieved.
Second column: date I recieved the last file. (mm-dd-yy)

Once your track is uploaded to the exchange you are not allowed to update your track by sending in an updated version of your track. You are allowed to send in an updated version(s) as long as the track is not on the exchange.

You can post any questions you may have in this topic. CCH will answer them A.S.A.P. If you want to discuss anything about this contest, like progress on other people?????????s ride please use this topic and don't start a new one. Thanks in advance.

Note: The letter above is fake and so is the story around this contest, of course all rides will be judged but the winner's ride won't be built in real life.

This tutorial might come in handy if you are going to create cartextures. You can also download worksheets here.
This tutorial might come in handy if you want to create a custom environment.


Questions & Answers
If you have any questions you can post them in this topic. I will try to answer your question A.S.A.P. Your question and the answer will be posted under this header.

Post September 25th, 2004, 2:08 am

Posts: 688
Points on hand: 4,164.00 Points
Ya know, I think I know why. I've spent the last few hours trying to rough something together. It's just too damn small. If they, were, say, 25 or 30% larger, then we might have something. Or if the 3 domes were equal size or something. As is, it's just to confining to do anything unique. It just all ends up being curvers and half loop inversions - typical bland spagetti bowl stuff.

Post September 25th, 2004, 2:19 am

Posts: 1111
Points on hand: 2,656.00 Points
Location: Camarillo, CA, USA

Actually, they just make for a good compact ride IMO, this contest was great in the first place, and Im thankful that you are redoing this one for us G-force addict.

Post September 25th, 2004, 8:47 am
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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cool, the dome contest again [:D]
i guess i'm gonna fix my old entry and resend it [:D], or isn't that allowed?
Coastercount: 1410 (I've seen the world and it's horrid contraptions... @.@)
- Wood: 142
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Post September 25th, 2004, 9:33 am

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who puts a coaster in a bio dome? there isn't even any space.

Post September 25th, 2004, 11:06 am

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Originally posted by Tyler

Ya know, I think I know why. I've spent the last few hours trying to rough something together. It's just too damn small. If they, were, say, 25 or 30% larger, then we might have something. Or if the 3 domes were equal size or something. As is, it's just to confining to do anything unique. It just all ends up being curvers and half loop inversions - typical bland spagetti bowl stuff.

This is supposed to be a though challenge, and people have proven before you can build a stunning ride in these domes. If you're not able to make something out of it, then that's your problem not mine.

Post September 25th, 2004, 11:43 am

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Post September 25th, 2004, 12:46 pm

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Post September 25th, 2004, 12:53 pm

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Location: MI, USA
Hey, are we allowed to reinforce the dome's custom supports so that we can build supports on them?

Edit: what about removing one of the faces so that there's an entrance? Oh, and can I stick some track out the dome like most real indoor coasters do?

Another edit: How about sticking part of the track into the concrete floor? I'm making mine start low, at ground level. It still appears to be alright, since none of the train parts stick in the ground anyways. I'm just worried that someone will take off for it.

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Post September 26th, 2004, 12:00 am

Posts: 1111
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Location: Camarillo, CA, USA

Could we have four trains with 5 cars each, the 6-car trains pace so slowly and I already made most of my track for five car pacing, so would four 5-car trains be alright?

Post September 26th, 2004, 7:40 am

Posts: 947
Points on hand: 3,039.00 Points
Originally posted by coasteragent99

Hey, are we allowed to reinforce the dome's custom supports so that we can build supports on them?

No, the rules state nothing can be attached to them. Also reinforcing them would be cheating, if that was allowed I could have left the rule out in the first place [lol]

Originally posted by coasteragent99

Edit: what about removing one of the faces so that there's an entrance? Oh, and can I stick some track out the dome like most real indoor coasters do?

The ride cannot go outside the domes, that's the whole point of the contest. You can make an "entrance" to the domes if you wish, but not for the track itself.

Originally posted by coasteragent99

Another edit: How about sticking part of the track into the concrete floor? I'm making mine start low, at ground level. It still appears to be alright, since none of the train parts stick in the ground anyways. I'm just worried that someone will take off for it.

That's up to you, but if you ask me, it doesn't make it look any better and I also don't really see the added excitment of travelling over the ground as close as possible [lol]

Originally posted by e-man
Could we have four trains with 5 cars each, the 6-car trains pace so slowly and I already made most of my track for five car pacing, so would four 5-car trains be alright?

The rules state you will have to use 6 cars per train, but you can go with 5, however, you will get a penalty for doing that.

Post September 26th, 2004, 1:02 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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well, I dunno, with NL 1.5 scheduled to come out in a couple of days, you might need to push the due date back a little bit so people can discover whats new and incorperate it into they're rides. What do you thing GFA? Personally, I'd love to have this be the first contest with stuff from the new update thrown into some of the rides.[:D]

Post September 26th, 2004, 2:13 pm

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Location: Camarillo, CA, USA

I'll just go with six and make my coaster accustoming to it, thanks for the quick response BTW.

Post September 26th, 2004, 9:13 pm

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That's up to you, but if you ask me, it doesn't make it look any better and I also don't really see the added excitment of travelling over the ground as close as possible [lol]

It's not for excitement, it's for my own selfish convinience. [devilish]

BTW, I took it off and placed it above, just so I don't run the risk of losing points off raters who never read the description of every ride he DL's, and this happening is very common.

Post September 26th, 2004, 11:32 pm

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Post September 27th, 2004, 12:15 am

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Location: Camarillo, CA, USA

Did you bother to read the first post. There was a qualifier for this one held about a month ago.

Post September 27th, 2004, 2:31 am
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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also this contest has been hold 1/5 years ago also, it's a fun competition but also difficult...
Coastercount: 1410 (I've seen the world and it's horrid contraptions... @.@)
- Wood: 142
- Steel: 1268

Post September 27th, 2004, 6:27 pm

Posts: 286
Points on hand: 3,503.00 Points
Ah, the old domechallenge again. Hopefully I find the time to finish mine this time around. Of course I'm doing a fresh design, not reusing my old one. :) I'll probably stick with the dueller though. It would just be too empty with a single track. LOL


Post September 27th, 2004, 10:53 pm

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Location: Camarillo, CA, USA

Nah Buster, take your time, us non-epic builders appreciate your giving us a chance. [lol]

Post September 28th, 2004, 2:20 am
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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i've started also a new one, when i looked back on the old one, i was thinking: "Did i made that???? Crap!"[lol]
Coastercount: 1410 (I've seen the world and it's horrid contraptions... @.@)
- Wood: 142
- Steel: 1268

Post September 28th, 2004, 5:26 am

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Same here, Dirk. Wow, what have I been smoking when I made that?


Post September 28th, 2004, 9:41 am
gouldy User avatar
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I was wondering, erm, this maybe sounds a bit selfish, but I am an A level student and right now I've got so much work that I can't see myself being able to spend much time on this right now, I was wondering if maybe it could be pushed back a little? Thats a pretty big favour to ask, but someone already asked it, but they asked because of NL 1.5 coming out.

Anyway, if theres no way you can delay the comp slightly then I shall just have to upload a coaster that is probably rushed....I'll just have to find the time I guess [:)]

No questions about the comp itself, its all pretty straight forward [:)]

Post September 28th, 2004, 3:30 pm
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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I've got a question, is are wheels allowed on the mcbr, because i thought on the dome contest of 1.5 years ago no wheels were allowed...

Vraagie, zijn wielen op de mcbr toegestaan, van de dome wedstrijd van toen was dat d8 ik niet toegestaan...
Coastercount: 1410 (I've seen the world and it's horrid contraptions... @.@)
- Wood: 142
- Steel: 1268

Post October 2nd, 2004, 7:04 am

Posts: 286
Points on hand: 3,503.00 Points
I'm wondering if you could allow the new LIM-launched style as that one would fit this contest very well.


Post October 2nd, 2004, 6:05 pm

Posts: 947
Points on hand: 3,039.00 Points
Originally posted by Dirk_Ermen

I've got a question, is are wheels allowed on the mcbr, because i thought on the dome contest of 1.5 years ago no wheels were allowed...

Vraagie, zijn wielen op de mcbr toegestaan, van de dome wedstrijd van toen was dat d8 ik niet toegestaan...

I don't see a sentence that states that wheels on the MCBR are not allowed, so they are.

Originally posted by Buster
I'm wondering if you could allow the new LIM-launched style as that one would fit this contest very well.


All new 1.5 track styles are allowed as of now, it was a good suggestion, now everyone can mess around with the new update, besides that the LIM launched indeed makes a good trackstyle for this challenge.


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